Anon has been involved in an Epstein Files forum thread and has been drilling down on exactly what "The choice to know will be yours" means. Taken in a literal fashion (impossible to accidentally view spoilers, you 100% control the reveal), real-World examples are difficult to conceptualize. The best example I could come up with is the govt. securing an island. You can go to the island and if you do, you will receive a DECLAS debrief of some flavor, but you can never leave the island, and no comms will be available to the outside World. Another would be dying in order to discover/meet God. Lastly, a one-way portal or spaceship. You can go and you'll learn things unrevealed to the World you live in, but you can never return (thereby preventing you from "leaking" your newfound knowledge to others, who also have the option of "the choice to know will be yours").
Q drops with this phrase deal with things done to children. What is your interpretation of this phrase when framed literally?