Oh i really cant wait fur the fake Q posts tae start up agaib an then we will get the red text tantrums too, boy hav i missed those in the past few days!!!
Oh i really cant wait fur the fake Q posts tae start up agaib an then we will get the red text tantrums too, boy hav i missed those in the past few days!!!
Your the "" joke"" resident pedofile your hust too stupid to realise that..
One device 3 browsers is the same difference… but your the only one clever enuf to know that eh??
No mitch your the kid fukker we all know this…
Why do you come here to brag about it?? Do you think it impresses anyone?? Your the butt of every joke here, is thst your intentions because if it is your doing a fine job at it..
Now IP hop along again you immature little cunt…
Still waiting on uer "deformation " paperwork an thst was 2 months ago, now hop along resident pedofile…
And i kno you are guessing wildly and also completely wrong, wanna throw in BO/BV or hot wheels aswell. Fukkin how stupid ate you really??
Now hop along again…
Stop it mitch i nearly sprayed my covfefe across my phone!!
Yes you are guessing and your still wrong and FYI your screenshot still dont mean shit weeks later, FFS…
Do you need to work hard to be this stupid???
Aint no panic here your just low hanging fruit and easy prey, infact your too easy…
Now hop along again..
Looked pretty convincing to me, and why would someone like that have to lower themselves to explsin anything to a fuckwitt like you??
Delusional little pedofile, now hop along again…
Hop hop hop an hoppyity hop an hop hop hop…
Lies and projection is all you have, immature little boy…
Will you namefag as RP now its your new title resident pedofile….
Throw in a few grand lies and project my pedophilia an clownery onto everyone else an your job us done here…
You must be so proud… will you start namefaggin as RP now instead of QP, iys your new title, embrace what you are i
Thats easy highlight id: 3dfd10 an see thays its been [[[ you RP]]] iv bren talking to the entire bread….
Now hop along..
I didn't threaten your niece not that you can do fuk all anyways, but jus so we are clear you are the threat to her nobody else..
And your right she will be 6 going on 7 by now eh…
Hop along again…RP…
Awww now were back to rambling shit, ah thot you were msking progress there, RP
Disappointed, now hop along… hop, hop…
Why would i file sny complaints when.i can just come through your door???
Or pick you off planefaggin at oceana??
Not too bright RP…
Hop along now… hop hop…
Glad your embracing your title RP, guud dog you earned it…
Oh an stop guessing it just mskes you look a proper cunt. Mmmmkkkkaaayyyy????
Just shorten it to RP we are up to speed with what you are mitch, ok…
And as predicted the resident pedofile filtered me because it cant put forward any kind of decent counter argument, will we get a red text tantrum to finish or will it jus IP hop again an try to build more consensus with itself again…
Ill put a covfefe on an eagerly await the answers..
Resident pedofile building concensus with itself again…
Ah kno these will get deleted but it's still kekworthy…
Boy did i call that shit or what!!
That's predictability for ya!! Kek…
The real question.is why? Its a photo the tranny doxxed itself with on this board 2 breads ago and wasn't deleted but you cant call it out for the cunty cancer it is by adding words to it??
Im starting to wonder if mitch is some kinda controlled opposition or summit since everything of his bar the board log screenshots seem to stay up including most of the red text spam…
Weird days on QR, huh??
No sadly they have stopped making it which is a real shame it sounds a killer pint!!
Oh okay my mistake, i just remember that one from back in the day on a trip to holland i wasnt much of a drinker back then i went for the other things that were on offer over there, kek…