Anonymous ID: 3e7c28 March 5, 2025, 10:41 p.m. No.22712317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2368

Something about all this sticks in my head. Back in the 60s you had a bunch of, then, 20 somethings rioting, doing rallies, waving signs etc. What ever happened to some of those 20 somethings?


I think some of them went into the democrat party and kept their radical leftist ideals, and are now trying to push them on us today as, "older wiser" versions of their 20 year old selves. They never grew up or outgrew their radical leftist ideals, they just changed their language a little bit. Same shit, different verbiage. In other words, they are the same old radical leftist losers from the 1960s, just older now. Nothing has really changed other than their personal bank accounts. The smells are probably still about the same though.


Self entitled little weasels that don't give a shit about this country because they never did. They have no conscience, no morals, no loyalty (except to themselves). It's every man for himself and they are only interested in whatever garners themselves power and money. They don't care about YOU or anyone else but themselves.