Our world is divided between those people who are wheat and those people who are tares.
Antisemitism is free speech.
Being able to call out a group of people who are liars, cheaters, thieves, and murders, is free speech.
Hating is Biblical.
God hates sin.
But the ADL has decided that hate is wrong.
Specifically hating Jews.
But apparently it is ok for them to hate Palestinians.
I suspect that Melania is the key.
Talking to Liberals is like trying to explain algebra to a kindergartener.
Ever heard of a Jewish doctor?
Al Green needs be thrown into the DC gulag, not get a wrist slap.
Catholics look ridiculous with that ash cross smeared across their foreheads.
What a bunch of superstitious nonsense.
Makes me glad I'm not Catholic.
Lots of geographical locations have name changes.
The song will be a good reminder of history.
Another good reason to homeschool your kids.
Schools should be run by parents, not by the government.