This is why we cut off funds to NATO but keep our fingers in the pot
no sense Putin feelin all comfy n sheitz eeder
This is why we cut off funds to NATO but keep our fingers in the pot
no sense Putin feelin all comfy n sheitz eeder
faggit mostly
Bye Derp
aaaaack! pffffft
digital hit n run hop is nothin
doesn't rate last place shill status eben
The Video This Administration DOESN'T want America to see. Retired US Admiral James Lyons 2/11/2015
Lorri Anderson 3.56K subscribers 147,833 views Sep 29, 2015
Admiral Ace Lyons speaks at a private meeting held in Washington DC on February 11, 2015. Those that asked him to speak probably regret doing so.
Retired US Admiral James "Ace" Lyons exposed the corruption within our government, spoke about Islam, terrorism, exposed Secretary of Defense, and POTUS ' real agenda and whom he really supports.
I guarantee this administration NEVER wanted this to get out to the public. Please download video, keep a copy, re-upload so this video doesn't disappear. MSM surely won't touch this topic, nor expose this truth! We need to get this video everywhere, we must force this into the MSM media for coverage.