Gym time muh niggas
Maybe we could get Q to ask Q+ to make a lil comment on that. I'd Zelensky wants this war to continue so badly he's going to need every man woman and child on the front line until their own population finally had enough, or are otherwise all slaughtered
If you wanna fight a war you need people
I meent if they already spent several years in the USA on R&R they should be plenty well rested and fresh for battle. Now give that kid a rifle and send him to the front, but don't give him any US made weapons or stock, let Europe supply that
Guud morning my blessed fren. May God bless you in his infinite love and wisdom for you and your family and frens this day and forever
Look at all the positivity, well wishes and blesses I post with these memes.
I am simply making SP memes positive and benevolent again.
I got 3 RN I got to finish with at the gym first. Save those other 3 for me for later, I might get hungey for dessert
I'm sexy and I knows it
Noone cares about spalling here
Jesus tap dancing christ, hab you seent the BV bonics bred handovers
Luuk'n loik the Azov nazis are going to hab 240,000 freshie front line troops sent back shortly
It's God giving you a sign to go outside moar. Sorry it had to be this way buddy. Some day you'll realize it was for your own guud to work on your ego. In the meantime I'll continue spreading peace, love and joy with the menes I love.
Nope, Dart is an angel and habs some smoov bonics to boot yo
It was always to get over yourself and your engorged sense of self importance here. Sorry it had to be this way. Tough love is still love.
Go outside and touch grass, buddy
God bless you