Anonymous ID: 2c73ae March 6, 2025, 9:16 a.m. No.22714168   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4209 >>4379 >>4467

Viganò to US Catholics: do not finance the US Church, an Infernal Machine. Trump Investigate Prelate Crimes.


  1. What is the current state of the American church? What was the lasting impact of your 2018 letter and the concerns you have raisedon the leadership of Pope Francis?


For decades the Catholic hierarchy, like all Western governments held hostage by the World Economic Forum, has been composed almost entirely of emissaries from one potentissimsubversive lobby. We have a deep church that has infiltrated and busy in the Catholic Church, as well as a profound state that controls the governments of many nations.


The members of this counter-church transformed the Catholic Church into an organization in support of the globalist left woke, after destroying faith and morals and subverting the purposes that Our Lord Jesus Christ gave to the Sua Church.


The piousno it must beand seen in its entirety: the deep state and the deep church are two sides of the same coin, and both take orders from the same master who finances them both, as we have seen in the USAID scandal.


It is necessary to break the bond of ideological and financial dependence of the profound Church on the globalist elite, ousting corrupt and blackmailed cardinals, bishops and priests and instead promoting those whose life is consistent with the Gospel and who care about the salvation of souls, in faithfulness to the perennial Tradition of the Catholic Church.


The American Church – also thanks to the leading role of the American Jesuits in the subversion of the Catholic Doctrine – is in a disastrous situation, deliberately planned in recent decades through a sisthematic infiltration that littlessiamo trace back to alcune figurand prominent: the cardinalsthe Francis J. Spellman (New York), John F. Dearden ( Detroit), Joseph Bernardin (Chicago), Raymond G. Hunthausen (Seattle), Roger Mahony (Los Angeles), William J. Levada (San Francisco).


From these prelated have gone various chains of priests e bishopricthe corrupt, between cui that of Theodore McCarrick e of its “nhypo ”: Kevin Farrell, Blase J. Cupich, Joseph W. Tobin, Donald W. Wuerl, Wilson Gregory, Robert W. McElroy …


They are all men of Bergoglio, protected by him, promoted by him and perhaps blackmailed by him.


Let's not forget the decisive role of the Seminars, where the infiltration and widespread corruption of the clergy started.


If the American faithful cut the funding that allows this infernal machine to function and instead support traditional Catholic communities; if the Trump administration investigated and prosecuted those in the Catholic hierarchy who committed crimes or tried to hide them, then the American Church would be able to get out of this crisis that is destroying and flourishing it.


  1. How are those who opposed the direction taken by Pope Francis in the Church working to correct the course? What, if something, is being done to make sure that the next Pontiff will not repeat what many withdo they consider Francesco's shortcomings? Or is it useless?


Many think they can simply close the Bergoglian parenthesis by electing a conservative “pope ” but who does not question Vatican II and the sue disastrous reformsand, come Cardinal Raymond Burke or Cardinal Robert Sarah.


But hoping for this to happen is truly an “Mission impossible ”, given that 110 out of 138 cardinals were created by Bergoglio precisely to “protect ” the Bergamo synodal revolution and ensure that it continues.


Those who enter the Conclave thinking they only have to plug a few holes, continuing on a road that has proved to be a disaster – I refer to the conciliar revolution – will not get lasting results.


There are now sixty years of errors and horrors that must be completely reset: a titanic undertaking, which only divine intervention can make possible. Bergoglio's usurpation – which I denounced and which cost me the “excommunication ” – undermines the legitimacy of the Cardinals he created in these twelve years and the validity of the election of any Successor.


This is why an operation of transparency and justice is necessary before proceeding with the convening of a Conclave.


To believe that Bergoglio's death can simply make us forget everything and allow us to turn the page without doing anything, would be a very serious mistake and a betrayal of the mandate that Our Lord has given to the Apostles and their Successors.

