Anonymous ID: 3b5f98 March 6, 2025, 8:20 a.m. No.22713845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3860


Did you know that there were 2 Marguerite Oswalds according to this guy? He presents evidence.


The more that I learn, the more sorry I feel for The Patsy.

Anonymous ID: 3b5f98 March 6, 2025, 8:23 a.m. No.22713860   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Also, the trajectory of the back head wound before it was manipulated. Shot had to have come from slight left and a downward angle. I didn't believe the story of the SS driver shooting him, but I based on the angle, I suppose it's possible. More likely from the overpass though.

Anonymous ID: 3b5f98 March 6, 2025, 8:49 a.m. No.22714007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4009 >>4039 >>4078 >>4131 >>4161 >>4379 >>4467


Reddit is one of the main sources of the highly cruel and insane Going No Contact Cult.


Basically, if you have a problem - no matter what that problem may be - even if it is the sum of your own actions - it's all your parent's fault and the only cure it to cut them off completely; and the more pain one can inflict upon their parents the better. That includes refusing any contact, stealing from your parents, telling lies about them to other people, withholding the grandchildren, anything goes - as long as it inflicts pain.


The Brainwashing Behind Going No Contact


I hope it's OK to post this here. I'm sure Gransnet will move it if it's not but in view of all those estranged, cut off parents unable to understand why their adult children treat them like they do, this very well written post sums it up perfectly.

It was sent to me this morning. Obviously some AC have no choice but to keep their distance from abusive parents, we understand this. But this NC approach being liberally recommended is a highly destructive trend ruining many lives.


' I am in the position that my estranged daughter is treating me like I'm toxic when I feel it's the other way around. We've been studying this for awhile now. Why are there so many adult children cutting off their families. These are things that we came up with. Something interesting: we've all noticed how our EC all do the same mean stuff and say the same mean things. It's like they're reading a script or like they all joined the same cult.

I have news for you. They are all reading a script. They did join the same cult.


What they are doing is called "Going No Contact". It's literally a scripted plan that they follow. It starts when they judge us as not just humans with whom they disagree, but "evil" because we don't see things their way. They complain online, and meet other complaining children who honestly believe, thanks to the self-esteem movement, that any time they were uncomfortable for a moment equals abuse. If their parents disagreed with them or made them do something that they didn't like or whacked their fresh asses when they talked back or refused to follow rules, they add this to their pile of justification. Lacking coping skills, they believe that anytime they are not happy, they have been wronged, and the person who dared to 'make' them feel bad is a Narcissist.

A Narcissist to them is what 'possessed' meant to our parents. The Narcissist is pure evil and a force to be feared and hated. They all bolster one another's justification of their interpretation of who we are. They swap war stories that are positively ridiculous, such as stories of the "evil narcissistic mother in law who wore a different dress than agreed upon to the wedding" or the "evil, narcissistic mother who took away all of their toys until their chores were done". I've seen both of those in these groups.

After justifying to themselves that they are RIGHT and their parents are EVIL NARCISSISTS, they begin plans to "Go No Contact". It is a systematic plan to discard the parents/grandparent, and turn the kids against grandparents. There are actual steps to this plan. They vary from group to group, but they are essentially all similar.

The groups talk a lot about setting boundaries, but what they call setting boundaries is just rude dictating, and setting their targets up to fail. Stuff like "I told my mother that she can come over between 12 and 1 on Sundays only. If she is one minute early or stays one minute late, that will be the end of her visits." Part of the plan is to NOT tell mother what she did wrong, just to enact the "consequence". They know that the targeted parent will try to rectify the situation. They react in a way that is illogical: refusing to answer questions, insisting that any apology is a manipulative lie and therefore is insincere, ordering parent out of their house, putting parents in that time out thing where they tell us not to contact them for a certain length of time, and then they will "review our request".

Anonymous ID: 3b5f98 March 6, 2025, 8:49 a.m. No.22714009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4033 >>4078 >>4131 >>4379 >>4467





They post joyful stories of their parents reaction to losing grandkids or their parents pleas for an explanation. They cheer each other on and congratulate one another for cutting family off. Refusing to give any explanation is part of the plan. They call it Taking Your Power Back.

They claim that it's to protect themselves from the evil narcissists who are terrorizing them, but in reality, it's not about protection or healing. It's about power, control, and just being shitty. They don't know the difference between assertive and aggressive, and they think being arbitrary is the same as having boundaries.

Google "Going No Contact". You will find pages and pages of groups and instructions that will not surprisingly match exactly what our kids are doing.

I think this information can be very helpful. We can learn what they want us to do, so we can do the opposite.

I strongly urge every single person here to read up on "Going No Contact". It's like a map to navigate this territory. It even gets amusing sometimes, reading the steps and thinking "You're such a lemming". Who the hell would follow this crap.

They would, that's who.


If you fell for this and cut off your parents and siblings, you are a weak, gullible idiot. You should be deported to some 3rd world country where you can learn some real life lessons, and your citizenship given to a decent, hard-working illegal who loves family values. We do not need your weak mindset in this country.

Anonymous ID: 3b5f98 March 6, 2025, 8:53 a.m. No.22714033   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Having run a support group for parents, it's clear to see that the problem of estrangement is now an epidemic. It's also the lazy way out of learning how to manage and work at a relationship. In some cases, if it's not all about them, it's simply not important. There is little or no respect for the parents or the sacrifices they've made.

>Where adult children have grown up in highly dysfunctional and abusive situations, then NC is their only option and as far as I can see, it's a last resort after many attempts at trying to fix things. These AC have no such thing as a happy ending. Life for them can be and often is very traumatic and difficult especially on birthdays and Christmas.


>For those AC who have had loving, caring parents and the relationship was previously good, but you've taken the advice from people you hardly know and gone NC, you really need to take a good look at yourselves and the impact you are having on your parents. Estrangement is a killer make no mistake. Parents have ended their lives or become ill and died.

>If you can sit and eat your Christmas dinner knowing your parents are facing the bleakest of days, the problem isn't them.

>'''If you can ignore birthdays, Mothers and Father's Day knowing the pain it will cause, the problem is not them.

If you can tell your children that your parents are bad people or you simply deny they exist, or if you think you can talk your way through explaining the benefits of cutting your child off from knowing it's own gene pool and tribal roots, the problem is not your parents.'''

>If you can snub, ignore, ostracise, dish out the silent treatment on an ongoing basis, sulk and then act as though you are the victim, it's you that's the narcissist, not your parents.

>If your parents loved you and did their best yet you can deal with knowing all these things above and yet still continue to hurt your them in this way, the problem isn't them.

Anonymous ID: 3b5f98 March 6, 2025, 9:03 a.m. No.22714080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4093 >>4131 >>4272 >>4379 >>4467




Employee refused to remove pronouns from email signature. A Texas agency fired him for it.