Copying everything I do or make doesn't make you me, but you twisted Satanist logic is most amusing to watch fail. Posting SP's memes does not make you SP, just like putting on a dress and makeup as a man does not make you a woman. At best, you're Trans-SP. You're a loaf of Beyond Meat while I'm grade A prime rib.
I think I could get used to posting from a tablet. Just a matter of getting images on this device to be able to post now. Theoretically is holding be able to attach a USB hub to the charge port and attach a mouse and keyboard, couldn't I? I'd imagine Android has support for that, don't spend much time with mobile OS' to know for sure. Only one way to find out.
Stick to just copying the memes instead of trying to copy the person that posts the memes, Simple Legion. Your entire personal is built off of everything I do and you've built online identities off site on other platforms based upon what I do. People are making money off of Imitating me, while I make no profit nor want or expect one. You just want for yourself in retaliation for besting you. You're consumed with trying to take everything you can from one anon to do what you say he's not allowed to but it's okay for you to don't while you're Imitating and taking everything you can from the person you say isn't allowed to do,
Touchscreen typing makes for horrible grammar. Miss a lot of autocorrect spelling and grammar mistakes too. Something to adjust to. I'll get used to it.
Yeah I was wondering about the last bread. Need a new keyboard too. Dead computer is dead and in little pieces.
Only 20 days or so. Piece of cake.
Just go back to Imitating me. You generic garbage is lame, retard.
nah, hard-drives are fine. I should probably think about migrating that raid0 home partition to something else though.
I've used Linux since 97 but I'll be sure to give your recommendation to try Linux a go.
20 days to decide over ARM or Intel. Kind of wish RISC-V was at a viable desktop state.
Ahhh, using a mouse on Android does make a significant difference.
They're focusing on the group rather than the individual again. Projecting their own evil behavior and actions onto someone else for obfuscated cover. Still need to post more to explain the two year hole in that argument when imitation of SP by the Absolute Reatrd clown crew was posted more than merchants for the past two years.
The EU is going with stylized Goatse for the logo of that campaign?
I never heard that word used so much until the mimics started accusing me of having it while they actually display it with their posts.
And theie reasons for accusing of narcissism was because I use first person pronouns when referring to myself or my point of view instead of a 3rd person obfuscation. You see, communists and Satanists require a compliant hive doing and behaving how those at the top want them to. Individualism is a serious threat to their ability to headache entire group be because the group might listen to the individual over them.
herd the
That was an interesting autocorrect
They need to continually invoke Ghislaine's initials to try and counter SP.
Interesting start to the day. Don't care about the computer, but the loss of my TWSBI 700R stings a bit. I loved that pen.
You have copies. I have the originals on the site they were made.
It's funny. He treats how I post like a commodity or currency that he can exploit.
I'll bet Simple Legion wishes he had access to this. Here's what holding cards coveted by someone else looks like.
Had to blur the prompts used that created the image. Can't brags about holding someone else's cards when he only has access to copies he's stolen.