Anonymous ID: 5140c8 March 6, 2025, 8:25 a.m. No.22713871   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There are a whole lot of questions to dig into when discussing abortion on demand in this country. Especially when you set aside debatable issues: taxpayer funding, organ harvesting, adult or child stem cells, the fact that congress has not had enough votes to make Roe v Wade law although they’ve tried multiple times since 1973, increased miscarriages since the pill became prevalent (you really need to wait at least a year after coming off the pill to allow your body to get back to normal before getting pregnant), the question of when a “clump” of cells becomes human (err on the side of caution because we don’t know/can’t know). And remember, it was only a few years ago when PP lobbied to NOT have to have a medical professional present for abortions, which takes away the original “back room” pull-on-your-heart-strings reason to legalize abortion on demand.


It's time to normalize using the term contraceptive when referring to barrier methods (condom, diaphragm). IUDs and abortions don’t prevent conception; they are birth control. Call it what it is.


Of the 65M abortions since Roe v Wade, how many are really the result of hot button issues such as a mother’s life being in danger? Or rape? Or incest?


Ask a gyno or researcher how many women in the US die during child birth and then also ask whether when a child dies during one of those situations, whether it is labeled an abortion or something else?


If women is raped and gets to an emergency room, they’ll give her a dnc to prevent STDs, which would also prevent any possible pregnancy as a result of that rape. Are those examples included in the 65M? No.


Victims of incest likely would not get to an emergency room. They are certainly counted in the 65M. So it's now time to ask yourself why the preferred move in the cases of incest is to DESTROY DNA EVIDENCE of the crime.


The right to life is The. One. Basic. Right.


Rant over.