President Trump is a boomer too. So now what?
Well he seems to be doing pretty good so far, and he's only into his presidency a few months. World politics is a tricky business.
?? Is that supposed to be "enlightening?
The Hamburglar has a cousin, the spermgurglar.
Gotta wait until all targets are in range before initiating the death blossom.
Yeah, that is a bit strange, gotta admit.
Jewish mafia does seem to get around. Probably why the Italian one seems so pissed off.
Those do not look like pressure suits.
The shills sure seem to spend a lot of time here trying to short circuit something that's just a "larp."
Wording like that is what gets shit started. I swear some of these clowns still think they are in high school.
Would have been nice, but gotta follow the rules. You know how quick those corrupt little fuckers would jump on that if you didn't.
Seems a little less shilly this morning.
Takes time to get all the ducks in a row, but once it's go time, shit goes quick.
I was wondering about that steal thing myself. What IS it that he is supposedly stealing? Their revenue? Their thunder?
Is it really stealing when you stop a thief from stealing from you? Musk doesn't need the money. So who is he stealing it for? That was a well played move by Trump. DOGE is drying up their corrupt revenue streams.