No, it's you and who pays you to post that parasitic divide and conquer narrative that can't exist unless it's forced on people.
Seems my MP3 player too. Interesting and expensive morning. Everything can be replaced though. Just need to wait 3 weeks until I can afford to.
Its also like clothes and whatnot are deteriorating faster than they used to as well. Cheaper material from shrinkflation or something else? I get maybe a month out of a pair of shoes now before holes in the soles start appearing. Got some fuckin tough calluses on my heel from it though, once I got past the blister phase.
As pretty as Ms. Sweeney is, there's only one woman I'm attracted to. So no, I would not smash, I would politely decline if the opportunity arose. Wouldn't be the first time I've turned down a hottie.
Could you frame your question without using low IQ bigotry? You probably can't because you're so low IQ.
You just proved my point bout your low IQ. Later, loser.
No. Do you always gaslight with disinformation speaking as a collective for consensus purposes?
Weird how when there's lots of merchant posting that there's no mimicry, and vice versa. When they do happen to be posted at the same time they're never at the same volume as they are individually, they have never been able to split fire at equal strength with their divide and conquer narrative. Process of elimination from observation over half a decade is neat.
I'm white as snow, with tan lines from a farmer tan to prove it. I found a low IQ retard with bad judgment though, guess who that is.
No, I'm willing to defend anyone. Unlike you i don't have disdain for people that have different color of skin. I judge a book by its content, not its cover, the same as I do for the character of individuals.
Ain't it weird the KKK (Democrats), Nazism (Ukraine), and Islam (Palestine) all hate a specific ethnicity, and have the resources both financial and equipment-wise to spread their hate?