An interesting excerpt from page 532 of "Its Coming To America, The Majesty Of God's Law" by W. Cleon Skousken [1996] Chapter 31, The Restoration of the Original Constitution.
Lifting A Burden From The Shoulders Of The President
After the Constitution is restored, a vast array of governmental departments will be completely eliminated while those that remain will be greatly reduced in both responsibility and power.
Using the original Constitution as our frame of reference, here is what we can expect:
The president's cabinet will be substantially reduced. There will be no Secretary of Labor, no Secretary of Education, no Secretary of Agriculture, no Secretary of Health and Human Services, and no Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Perhaps two or three others will be eliminated.
All of the national advisory officers in the cabinet were largely expensive bureaucratic brokers distributing the political spoils of the winning party. They pretended to provide much needed services to the whole national structure, but experience demonstrated that they were for the most part simply arbitrary, and often unfair distributors of billions to the heavy contributors or supporters of the winning party. For nearly two centuries it had all become an accepted part of the corrupt political spoils system.