>It's been 830 days since Q's last post.
the posts in 2022 WERE NOT made by Q
get it thru your fat fucking head
>they can seek refuge in america
let THEM set the precedent…
then there can be no bitching when we ship all niggers back to africa
>knock drone swarms from the sky with high-powered microwave
and if it fries the brains of every civilian on the ground, that's just icing on the cake
as soon as you post your limp puss dripping cock
>Legal dispensaries are forced to operate as cash businesses due to banking restrictions
due to intelligence restrictions…
open a store next door that sells baggies
customers buy baggies with CC
get a coupon good for free reefer
go next door to collect free reefer
problem solved
guess even reefer can't fix STOOPIT
rome collapsed bcs the unchecked import of cheaper slave labor put working-class romans out of their jobs
see any modern parallels?