russian collusion case
like tge one that drove two days
from like florida to arizona
wearing a diaper to stalk her ex
she looks DEI'ish
submariners have entered the chat
ontario owns part of Michigan
Brose plant
that has a fuckin mosque
built next to it
warns you of search
due to entering ontario
in fuckin michigan
fuck michigan
ever see spiderman
when he tells his fat filipino buddy
to cause a distraction
on the school bus
so spidey can to his thing
they were fuckin criminals
thats why they were sent off
just like when venezuala
emptied their prisons
to housing fees
make them
someone elses problem
to keep down housing fees
mf'ers think they're descendants
of slaves
nah nigga
you descended from
and act like
a fuckin criminal
we need a movie about the poor
el Salvadoran slaves
>muh holocaust