Anonymous ID: c2b28d March 6, 2025, 11:17 a.m. No.22714893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4929 >>4931


You are correct. If you have been saying attention, then you know why.

There has been a multi-pronged covert war on police which went hot after 2008 with the beer summit.

Good cops have been moved on, forced out or pushed into leaving. When I say good cops I mean the ones who took their Constitutional oath seriously and often bucked their town councils because they wouldn’t be paid flunkies.

As the good ones have been disposed of one way ir another, they have been replaced either activists and yes men. The new police academy trainings has them erring on the side of letting the criminals go.


I’m surprised that anyone who understands activists judges and Soros DAs doesn’t understand what infiltration and restructuring of our police departments have taken place. — when it has happened in full view of the public to make good into villains and criminals into poor me victims.


‘They’— couldn’t have constitution oath keepers who would only do the RIGHT thing and could never be told to take your rights away. Those cops were ‘helped’ out of the profession. And were replaced with 30/30 dei snd sociologists who don’t think civilians should be armed. Any good guys left are on eggshells till retirement comes through.


Like men opted out when women chose the bear, good cops said sayonara when the public came to live the criminals.

It will change but right now, good luck with the bear.