He looks like he ate too much soy.
His daddy must be proud.
War is peace, peace is war.
They steal the words and change the meanings right in front of our faces.
Enjoy the show.
Astronauts have to be partially crazy to begin with. Who the fuck wants to take a six month or longer flight, I basically can’t deal with a six hour flight. Cramped spaces, shitting or pissing in a fucked up toilet, horrible food, bad air smells, asshole people that suck big-time.
If you want six months of that, you’re partially cracked.
Remember 40% public only.
That being said, crimes against children will bring both sides together is what I was told.
Hold the line. It has to get worse before it gets better.
My favorite is the whacko that destroyed multiple ISS toilets to go home early.
She fucked the ISS permanently, now it smells like the streets of Calcutta. Fucking kek.
Nope, it’s so the world can see what they did.
Plain and simple.
Declas- it’s coming but cannot be rushed.
The stage is still far from being set but we are well on our way. The pope isn’t even dead yet.
Uncle Tom’s have zero allegiance to anyone.
She was asked by the previous rep to run?
Selected instead of elected.
This was always their way.
This looks tasty. Perhaps POTUS will take a bite? Sounds crooked AF to me.
Payback certainly comes in the form of a bitch.
Patience anon, patience.
Everything will unfold as it should.
Don’t get too high, don’t get too low.
Feel happy even in the troughs of the wave for the turbulence will be never ending on this journey. Everyone gets what they deserve in the end, I promise.
He has taken known child rapists and placed them near children time and again.
He has done worse than that.
The pope will answer for his trespasses as we will for ours.
Pray for the pope for he will meet with God soon and he better have some snappy fucking answers.