the space jews at Canaveral know
red text editing of Daily Mail UK article is faggot
just call it another Elon sperge
another Trump-McMahon larp
Kash's balls are handled by a Jewess agent who learned country music in Switzerland.
Elon's humility says go fuck yourself in the face
no, that's the utter contempt in him
learn kayfabe as an art form, moran
this twat exemplifies why twatter was invented
Boston-born (jew enclave)
relocated to UK then Switzerland in childhood
(unclear if dad worked for Gillette or a mining group)
landed in Arkansas USA
became 'country music singer'
had affair with married Kash Patel, resulting in his divorce
present at his swearing in
her face speaks volumes for discerning anons
Tel Aviv
the black hat adds a special touch
>Kash will only do so much.
Kash is a controlled asset in charge of two federal law enforcement agencies.
How does that bode for America, its Constitution and American citizens?