elon needs to chill. he could have killed alot of peole in the air or in the sea
boats and flights were even being diverted bc of this bullshit. hes causing more harm than good.
elon needs to chill. he could have killed alot of peole in the air or in the sea
boats and flights were even being diverted bc of this bullshit. hes causing more harm than good.
stop thinking narrow minded. USAID is just ONE of many avenues where your tax dollars are being funnled across the globe for varous agendas
USAID is not the end all/be all of launding. many more exist and are still operating.
Q told us this years ago. remebr that next time somone said elon exposed this and he takes the credit (like he always does)
he isnt. Q exposed him in his drops a few years ago.
take elons dick out of your mouth. be careful who you worship