>But above all: nobody cares.
remember that when you're burning in Hell and you want someone to care
>But above all: nobody cares.
remember that when you're burning in Hell and you want someone to care
>because its retarded and slow
not at all bcs it's a totally comped and controlled jew propaganda machine
for the rest of their lives, they're going to have to live with people throwing that in their face
did they think that was going to accomplish something?
i see a bunch of three-yr-olds dancing in front of a mirror wearing their superman halloween costume
by their own actions they prove themselves unworthy of being in charge of the TV remote,
let alone a country
>change my mind
c'mon down to chaimie's discount brain transplant emporium
we can get it for you wholesale
>Waiting for things to unfold seems to be The Plan
now you're catching on
after the bolshevik revolution in russia
they ran a psyop for years
spreading rumors that the loyal russian army would wipe out the bolsheviks in a counter-revolution
it was always just two moar weeks away
i'm sure it has nothing to do with "The Plan"โข
you announce total apathy to human death, suffering, and atrocities
then call me violent?
evil prospers when people don't care about others
not caring is the ultimate act of evil and violence
karma's a bitch
>learned nothing from q
how does one learn what one already knew?
sorry (((YOU))) were late to the party
word games
equivocating what you said earlier
putting your lies in other peoples' mouth
remind us againโฆ.
what tribe has honed those tactics for millennia?
have a 1941 kelvinator on my porch
still runs like a champ
only problem is it needs a door gasket
on my tadu listโฆ
you filtered me from your other IP address
but you can't resist the childish need for the last word
just makes your IP hopping all the more obvious
these "people" are stupid
that's too easy
what i hate are zionist, globalist, elitist, khazarian mafia megalomaniacal homicidal psychopaths
but all that won't fit in a fortune cookie
so many tiny snake brains can't grasp anything more complex than either/or
at times anon wonders if they're WORTH saving
>china banned LGBT on tv
that's literally genocide
<US msm shadow bans straight white males and nuclear families from tv
power to the people
>Why don't the gews reject the Zionist bullshit?
they don't want to lose member benefits
it's all about personal gain
that's their real god (with a small g)
i can carve your strawman argument to pieces
post some indigenous african art to prove your point
instead of just one person, i'll allow you every african that ever lived for all of known history
show us all something comparable to italian renaissance art in terms of SKILL
>Itโs not that all Jews are bad
are catholics who never molested a child, but covered up child molesting priests good people to you?
way to sidestep the question entirely
you left out JFK
and JFK jr
the father and son of your holy trinity
so are they bad, too?
sry for friendly fire
the shills are thickest during niteshift
sometimes it's hard to tell
>prima fascia
dija mean prima facie?
nothing makes ya look more stoopit than using big words and then misspelling them
if you think that's even REMOTELY equal to european art, you're even MORE retarded than i thought
what is the date on that crude pottery?
could it be AFTER europeans TAUGHT them how to make pottery?
by YOUR logicโฆ
ALL JEWS who FAIL to denounce zionism and the state of israel are EQUALLY COMPLICIT in their crimes
>some Catholic priests raped children therefore Jesus is bad.
YOU said that, NOT ME
i never mentioned Jesus
>High level reasoning.
GFY pedo
i hope we meet someday
keep 'em coming
maybe someone here hasn't yet realized what a fucktard you are
>Whatch the elite bunker up.
>They know whatโs coming.
if they knew what was coming
they would have realized that bunker doors can be sealed from EITHER side
>If Russia is so strong Militarily, why is the War with Ukraine taking so long?
they are carefully dismantling the biolabs, the adrenochrome factories, the child and organ trafficking hubs, liberating survivors, and documenting it all for the world to see
now you're down to pre-pubescent sexual insults
devolving right in front of everyone's eyes
next you'll be shitting in your hand and throwing it at the computer monitor
next you'll be shitting in your hand and throwing it at the computer monitor
next you'll be shitting in your hand and throwing it at the computer monitor
that one doesn't even make sense
you're calling me an ignorant conservative
but YOU'RE the asshole in the picture
have another booster, shaneequa latifa jackson