Photo of nuke bomber removed due to ghey words.
So what, nobody cares.
Photo of nuke bomber removed due to ghey words.
So what, nobody cares.
some dig something something nobody cares. No source as usual.
Alex Soros implies: Either Israel, Ukraine or USA will be destroyed, possibly with equal likelihood!
Subversion and so on.
(No source)
Who tf are you? demon.
I'm especially curious how Jordan Peterson will react to this. Where will his loyalty be, this time?
I tried reading his book. Made it through 10 pages and it was full of so much wordsallad I had to stop.
Can't you spam reddit instead?
How much land do americans own in china?
Yeah its like he overwhelms the user with some meth-fused infini-yap. And the eternal yap is supposed to prove how superior he is.
Assads remaining forces recapture Coast of Syria. Randos are shooting randos. Random violence on random places.
Will probably get more footage soon. But above all: nobody cares.
why so violent
Syria Happenings
HTS is losing bad
Turkey sending reinforcements to retain control from Assad:
Too many syrian happenings to mention. And nobody cares.
Live updates from syran happenings for those that care enough to keep up:
its a mess right now. Literal battles happening as we speak. Media is crickets because its retarded and slow as usual.
>paratroopers raining over syrian city.
Media is run by people with hidden downs syndrome.
I want to drill my skull with a powertool after seeing that. The cringe gives me nightmares and chronic braincancer.
based fellow diggers
Whatever happens, the digs must be dug. The show goes on.
Not under any circumstances must digs ever be stopped, not even the apocalypse of humanity will stop the digging.
Dig dig dig
Quite the opposite. What I meant was that everyone else was apathetic and nobody replies to my digs. But you are a paranoid sociopath so it doesn't really matter.
Diggers are the most friendly, loving and sympathetic, tolerant and understanding people on this planet, which is that makes them super powerful diggers.
Eat more iron and other metal supplement pills. Its the secret behind fixing circadian rhythm.
Everything you do and say is a failure. Filtered.
Does anyone know what happened with the fort knox gold? Was it empty?
Noticed Canadian decorations on this one. What did he try to say with this?
Assads brother "Mahir Assad" seems to be leading the resistance forces in Syria.
I didn't know he had a brother.
How to deal with replies that are from non-diggers.
Filtered quicker than an indian train garbage-bag.
>Put women in control they said
>Declares war against all countries on earth
Well done women.
I don't want tate brothers to go to jail. I enjoy seeing them piss off the leftists.
So when is it time for the next convoy?
>Lithuanians claim that pact Trump-Putin already exists and that Lithuania was placed in Russian zone.
Retardo-Media finally discovers the gas deal.
(no source)
Maybe trump should give a call to the king. Just to make sure of whats going on.
Black Gentleman who stabbed Antifa Activist to death gets sentenced 20 years to Life
Okay, this is from February 19 so its kinda slightly old news by now but this is the first I ever heard it, and I don't remember seeing any threads on here about this so I figure this is probably news to many of you as well.
Maybe this didn't get much MSM coverage, because the murder of a White libtard by one of his own pet blacks isn't something that they can spin in a favorable way so they just simply flushed the story. Many such cases. Happens all the time whenever a black kills a white person, like with Cannon Hinnant and so on a few years back. Just in this case the White victim happened to be a far-left Antifa guy.
Lesson here is that the liberal MSM isn't going to give a fuck about you and will bury the story EVEN if you suck melanated d*cks and kneel to George Floyd. This guy's life still didn't matter despite being a cuck. So why even bother?
if it was a fail-dig feel free to remove it
He is destroying us guys! What shall we do oh no!
A dig is a dig boys.
Lets hear the song. Or else its just a ghey troll.
Make brittany venti star in the music video
How much you got
The more abortions the better. For them the ideal is every baby gets aborted.