The ironic thing about all of this is, the fucking shill is mainly posting his bullshit for himself. Hardly anyone here at this time of night. Guess he just loves self flagellation.
Yeah I cleansed my browser as well.
KEK. Dumbfuck shill can't figure out everyone has him filtered.
That won't age well.
KEK. Sorry.
I was actually looking for the unaboob chick from Kung pow, but that's what I found.
Now that I think of it, the dems are just like Wimp Lo. They think losing is winning. They are bleeding, making them the victors.
The dems look like old colostomy bags while the other side looks like a bottle of fine wine.
KEK. Go Elon go.
What amazes me is, supposedly, we are smarter than the ancients. I think not.