Guud morning frens
God bless (You)
Guud morning frens
God bless (You)
Managed to sleep in a bit before the call of the wild to the toilet. Nothing can wake you up quicker than an enemy at the gates.
I'm not censored, I can still post SP memes. You on the other hand are an IP hopping pedo named mitch. Any IP hopping pedos named mitch get their posts deleted cuz their shits all fucked up and retarded. Lesson from the story? Don't be an IP hopping pedo named mitch with their shit all fucked up and retarded.
Is your trial for posting Q drops all day without any context? Cuz it should be guud for moar than 3 days in jail.
Whatever you did just tell the judge that extraterrestrial shape-shifting reptilians made you do it through telepathy, that worked last time for me
Dan hab seent sum chit