Anonymous ID: 211aea March 7, 2025, 9:36 a.m. No.22720237   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dudes and Dudettes. We are not from Earth. 80% of humans suffer from lower back pain, had we evolved on this planet, there wouldn't be any back pain, evolution would have solved it. This isn't our gravity, so our backs kill us with the added weight. Where's the missing link? If we evolved here, we'd still be evolving.


We were brought here to be farmed. They drop off Adam and Eve, not Steve. Let them fuck for a few thousand years and go about their ways. Return 2000 years later, or whenever humans discover that they were made and Earth isn't their home. God said that he would return "when mankind has learned the secret to life". Guess what? That's the secret. We're food and we're about to be harvested. Think I'm outlandish? Why all the predictive programming for E.T.'s and UFO's all over the place. Youtube pushes whatever is next on their predictive programming list. Right before the plannedemic, they were pushing "pandemic movies and television shows" on Netflix, youtube, etc. They've put AI in charge of their moves. Bad idea. Their AI learned on their corrupt dataset so now it's useless to them and the real world. They fucked up. We didn't.


Hang out here on the Kun for the latest and greatest updates. . If you're reading this, it's because you're with me. There's a lot to learn about how this works, but I'm learning. What to expose next?


What happened to all those civilizations before us? Watch the movie 'Jupiter Ascending', it's eye opening to say the least.

Anonymous ID: 211aea March 7, 2025, 10 a.m. No.22720323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0331

Hey Donny, can you be a little more like me. just take off the gloves.


it's time to call them out like i would, confront the issue head-on. Give your open and honest thoughts in replies. Keep out the major cuss words, minor ones are fine. Show them what a Lion sounds like when it roars. Like it or not buddy, you're my best friend. It's a burden, a sacrifice I'm willing to make, keep at it you're doing great so far!


Talk to the world as if you and I were having an open, honest conversation. The lies are so massive. Only the truth will make sense now. Oh, and if you can…fix my situation, I can't stand it anymore. It's turning me into a soulless rock. Something must change. Whatever is supposed to be building inside of me sure is, and let me tell you, what a miracle I turned out to be. You're to be thanked properly one day.

Anonymous ID: 211aea March 7, 2025, 10:11 a.m. No.22720371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0466

Our media must be forced to tell the truth. We need a law or resurrect an old one to meet today's situation…TRUTH 97% of the time. If you cannot verify a story, you will not publish the story. No more made up shit. No more fantasyland so the Elite can mindkontrol and fear us into complete submission.


TRUTH or no broadcasting license. Period. The News needs to be the NEWS, not storytime with Abe Cronkike. Bibi, this is for you, Donny already got the memo. Both of you work for a high power, won't say higher, leave it at high.

Anonymous ID: 211aea March 7, 2025, 10:36 a.m. No.22720501   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This just went adhoc into the minds of millions. by next weekend, shit's gonna need the answers. Americans won't like what they hear.