Anonymous ID: 280e39 March 7, 2025, 7:16 a.m. No.22719761   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

The head of the United Autoworkers of America just stated that TARIFFS ARE NECESSARY19 to correct years of abuse of the USA3/22 by other countries and companies.

We have lost 90,000 factories and plants since the beginning of NAFTA. HE IS 100% CORRECT20/42!!!

Mar 07, 2025, 9:58 AM



Mar 21, 2018 12:21:18 AM EDT

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b086d2 No. 739281

The FBI opened a case on “Q” today re: ‘Boom’ statements and now the TX bombings.

Coordinated to end comms here.


They are scared [4am].

They will fail.

We know the details.






Mar 06, 2018 11:04:43 AM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 3c553f No. 567502

Mar 06, 2018 11:00:44 AM EST

Anonymous ID: 9f1a01 No. 567454





These peo>>567493

ple are stupid.

Wait for Russia/China reports.



Strike 99999999.





Oct 29, 2017 11:47:07 AM EDT

Anonymous ID: P3Lk4PKG No. 147104628

Open your eyes.

It finally came out that Rod/Bob were key players in the Uranium scandal.

Don’t you think POTUS would be tweeting about removal given clear conflict.

Why did POTUS meet Bob under the cover of FBI Dir interview?

Bob is unable to serve as Dir per the law.

Gowdy comments on Comey (history will ….)

POTUS has everything.

Not everyone is corrupt (fewer than you think).

Follow Huma.

Operation Mockingbird.

Priority to clean out the bad actors to unite people behind the America First agenda.

Many in our govt worship Satan.

Not about Republicans v Democrats at this stage.

Where is HRC?

Why is the NG called up across 12 cities?

Trust in your President.

God bless, Patriots.



Nov 01, 2017 12:29:28 AM EDT

Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No. 147443190

Why do D’s want to control the black pop?

Why do they intentionally keep poor and in need?

Why do D’s project racism on a daily basis against R’s?

Why do black elected officials do the crazy talk on behalf of D’s?

How do D’s cover the historical facts of forming the confederacy, KKK, and oppose all things pro black re: legislation?

What happens if D’s lose the slave grip on the black pop?

Why do D’s, through the funding of the CIA, prop up and install Hollywood/media assets?

Does this fall within Operation Mockingbird?

What were the historical advantages D’s gained by having MSM and famous people peddling narrative?

Who exposed the pedo network within H wood?

You can’t answer the above but will laugh once disclose details.

The network which controls this false narrative which in turns keeps the black pop under control is being dismantled.

False local and national black leaders will be exposed next as shills for the D party.

Follow the money.

Maxine W has a $4mm home and cash assets in excess of $6mm.

How is that possible? One example.

All of these questions help to paint the full picture.



Nov 01, 2017 12:42:00 AM EDT

Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No. 147444335

Who did POTUS meet with yesterday?

Was AG Sessions there?

How many MI generals were on the WH list to attend a separate meeting?

Could those meetings have been combined?

Why were certain rooms in the WH renovated?

Where was the meeting on Monday?

Why aren’t phones allowed in this room (one of many).

What firm was contracted to conduct the renovations?



Nov 01, 2017 12:57:15 AM EDT

Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No. 147445681

Who controls the NG?

Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US?

Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines?

Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize?

What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly?

Biggest drop to ever be provided on Pol. Study and prepare. The masses tend to panic in such situations. No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift.



Nov 02, 2017 2:54:29 AM EDT

Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No. 147591125

We serve at the pleasure of the President. DJT

Anonymous ID: 280e39 March 7, 2025, 7:21 a.m. No.22719782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9787



Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump


Based on the fact that Russia is absolutely “pounding” Ukraine on the battlefield right now, I am strongly considering large scale Banking Sanctions, Sanctions, and Tariffs on Russia until a Cease Fire and FINAL SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT ON PEACE IS REACHED. To Russia and Ukraine, get to the table right now, before it is too late. Thank you!!!

Mar 07, 2025,9:17AM



Mar 10, 2018 1:11:16 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 88957f No. 613352

Mar 10, 2018 1:08:14 PM EST

Anonymous ID: d89d4d No. 613295

Just because I'm a parent - Q, are all operators safe & healthy?

Praying every day.


We appreciate all of the prayers.

We really do.

Thank you.






Feb 11, 2018 11:53:17 AM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: d5f1d4 No. 337117

Feb 11, 2018 11:51:51 AM EST

Anonymous ID: c7e657 No. 337108



On it, what about Russian detained in Bangkok?


What picture was posted?

Cages full.





May 23, 2019 10:01:32 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0f664c No. 6572667

>>6572364 (/pb)

Under protection.

Threat is real.

Key to DNC 'source' 'hack' '187'.




May 21, 2018 7:04:49 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 622a94 No. 1497716

Military OP.


General K [JFK]

Full Disclosure.

General Statement:

Once the 'extremely guarded & highly classified' information is finally revealed to House investigators, DNI, public etc., RR must recuse or forcefully terminated.

[RR] problems.

What was RR's Senate Conf Vote?

WRAY reports to RR [important fact].

Who do you TRUST?

[RR] recuse/fired who has direct oversight of Mueller?

Sessions un-recuse or #3 [until refill]?

Who is Rachel Brand?

Why was Rachel Brand dismissed?

Think timing.

"The succession question is actually a bit complicated. By default, under an obscure statute known as the the Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, Brand’s temporary successor as the “acting” associate attorney general is her principal deputy, Jesse Panuccio. That same statute would also allow the president to choose someone else to serve as the “acting” AAG on a temporary basis for up to 210 days; the pool of individuals from which the president could draw in this case includes individuals already holding Senate-confirmed positions elsewhere in the executive branch (like EPA administrator Scott Pruitt) or senior civil service lawyers in the Justice Department, specifically."


When does the clock run out?

Why is Schneiderman's removal 'extremely' relevant?

TRUST (name).

These people are stupid.



Anonymous ID: 280e39 March 7, 2025, 7:27 a.m. No.22719792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9793

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump


South Africa is being terrible, plus, to long time Farmers in the country. They are confiscating their LAND and FARMS, and MUCH WORSE THAN THAT. A bad place to be right now, and we are stopping all Federal Funding. To go a step further, any Farmer (with family!) from South Africa, seeking to flee that country for reasons of safety, will be invited into the United States of America with a rapid pathway to Citizenship. This process will begin immediately!

Mar 07, 2025, 9:05 AM



Mar 09, 2018 6:32:51 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 6fa57d No. 605255

Mar 09, 2018 6:31:34 PM EST

Anonymous ID: 0957a7 No. 605232



Twatter in receivership in 24 days?

Shut em down!


24hrs to respond.

He did, smartly.

Public view.




Nov 05, 2017 2:17:24 AM EST

Anonymous ID: cS8cMPVQ No. 148033178

What happened in SA will happen here, Asia, and EU.

Keep digging and keep organizing the info into graphics (critical).

God bless.

Hillary & Saudi Arabia

Snow White

Godfather III




Nov 23, 2017 12:07:16 AM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 66o6MRSe No. 150562920

Nov 23, 2017 12:05:55 AM EST

PLVSVLTRA ID: e9hPKb0e No. 150562774










2017-11-22 at 10.04. (…).png, 43KiB, 725x205

PLVSVLTRA ID:e9hPKb0e Thu 23 Nov 2017 00:04:53 No.150562661 Report

Quoted By: >>150562749 >>150562774 >>150562829 >>150566440 >>150566980


Suhail Rizvi is the "secretive investor" that has ties to SpaceX and is tied to Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal’s investment company!!! This is HUGE!



Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:66o6MRSe Thu 23 Nov 2017 00:05:13 No.150562694 Report

Quoted By: >>150562774 >>150562781 >>150562844 >>150562874 >>150562956 >>150562998 >>150563001 >>150563033 >>150563247 >>150563395 >>150563540 >>150563805 >>150563930 >>150564139 >>150564160 >>150564209 >>150564388 >>150564433 >>150564461 >>150564547 >>150564705 >>150565591 >>150565793 >>150566714 >>150566816 >>150567173 >>150567347 >>150567825 >>150568096 >>150568111

Why did BO scuttle the shuttle program?

What is SpaceX?

Expand your thinking.





Nov 22, 2017 5:45:01 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 3EnVOnlV No. 150522442

Rizvi Traverse Management.

Happy hunting.


Anonymous ID: 280e39 March 7, 2025, 8:40 a.m. No.22720023   🗄️.is 🔗kun


isn't that exactly what Q stated?

That we became uncontrollable in the eyes of the elite?

Malthus Malthusian


and as long as [THEY] continued with the game of [FALSE SCARCITY] most accepted it