Evening frens! Just had a nice nap. Now I'm rested, have a fat one rolled and ready, got my bourbon and chaser.
What are we getting into tonight?
Evening frens! Just had a nice nap. Now I'm rested, have a fat one rolled and ready, got my bourbon and chaser.
What are we getting into tonight?
it's all going to happen, people just don't know the truth. canada is a protectorate of the district of columbia now that we have escaped from the crown. this was the plan at the end ww2 that got usurped by the jooz. the map they drew out also showed greenland and central america to the panama canal as part of the u.s. as well. this is where we're headed. north american union. reset.
the longer i've followed this movie, the more i'm convinced that trump and probably putin as well as oters have flipped the script on the NWO cabal. i think they've taken overโฆused their bible and their preconditioning etc to just switch tracks to take us to a "NEW", NWOโฆone that's all about national sovereignty and freedom. one without the corruption and maniacal wars. i hope that's true so i keep thinking it and watching to see if it progresses that way.
"Scientists at Stanford University have released news images of what Jesus may have looked like based on electron microscope scans of the Shroud of Turin."
biden is dead
Oh we NEED this law
Smash or pass?
Harland Sanders once shot a man who was giving him shit at his gas station.