"Radical Muslims" is the correct term.
When you hear someone using the term "DEATH CULT," do you think they are insulting muslims? They are NOT, they are PROTECTING muslims when they use the term "death cult." From now on, go back to using the REAL term, which is "RADICAL MUSLIMS." They HATE when you use that term.
At 17:17 of this video, a muslim says that muslims prefer people use the term "Death Cult" when referring to Isis and NOT refer to them as "Radical Muslims."
โDeath Cultโ is a Muslim term that they want you to use for ISIS instead of โRadical Muslims.โ Which term will you use from now on?
"Sarah Silverman's pedophile 'skit'"
"In a 2010 skit, "Creepy Van Guy," on her Comedy Central show, unfunny comedienne Sarah Silverman โ she who said "I want to eat an aborted fetus", that Jesus is pro-abort, and "I hope the Jews did kill Christ. I'd do it again. I'd f*cking do it again" โ told a kid to pee in her mouth, then asked another unfunny comedian, Patton Oswalt, if he's attracted to children.
The skit begins with Sarah Silverman driving a black van with its windows blacked out. The interior of the van is a pedophile's dream, decorated to lure kids with candy, a TV set and a drum set. Inside are two young boys and a girl."
"Rep. Ted Lieu forced to delete 'CREEPY AND INAPPROPRIATE' tweet to Kyle Kashuv
Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) was forced to delete a tweet on Sunday where he invited Parkland survivor Kyle Kashuv to come out to California and get high on marijuana once he's 21" - Danielle Jackson, 4-16-18
"Was I just encouraged by a Congressman to smoke weed when I am 21? Yes, legally, but still. Holy smikee, batman!" - Kyle Kashuv, 4-15-18
"Sarah Silverman's pedophile 'skit'"
"In a 2010 skit, "Creepy Van Guy," on her Comedy Central show, unfunny comedienne Sarah Silverman โ she who said "I want to eat an aborted fetus", that Jesus is pro-abort, and "I hope the Jews did kill Christ. I'd do it again. I'd f*cking do it again" โ told a kid to pee in her mouth, then asked another unfunny comedian, Patton Oswalt, if he's attracted to children.
The skit begins with Sarah Silverman driving a black van with its windows blacked out. The interior of the van is a pedophile's dream, decorated to lure kids with candy, a TV set and a drum set. Inside are two young boys and a girl."
"I hope the Jews DID kill Christ. I'd do it AGAIN. I'd FUCKING do it again in a second!" - Sara Silverman, synagogue of satan
"Kanye threatened the Jews yesterday on twitter and it's not even trending.
Why do mostly only
Jews speak up against Jewish hate?
The silence is so loud" - Sarah Silverman, 10-9-22
"I hope the Jews DID kill Christ. I'd do it AGAIN. I'd FUCKING do it again in a second!" - Sara Silverman
"I want to eat an aborted fetus" - Sarah Silverman