Anonymous ID: ff9a52 March 7, 2025, 3:20 p.m. No.22722025   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2073 >>2086 >>2149 >>2165

There are many Galactic Federation ships entering your Earth’s atmospherically vast multidimensional terrain. These ships are creating vibrational circular pulsing flows between them, birthing pulsing light streams that allow further transformational openings to reactivate throughout your planet. Building vast vortexes of light that are pre-destined for this time, while interacting within the sacred sites scattered throughout your planet. The Network surrounding Earth has begun to expand further by releasing frequencies of starlight that are unearthing pockets of density, dissolving further realms of illusion that have been in place for lifetimes.


This Network continues to become more whole within itself. As the Network continues to play a supportive role with the vast shifts that have been created by this series of repositioning cycles that have been operational within the Earth’s frequency since entering 2025. These repositioning cycles are re-establishing sacred designs, that have been designated for Earth to be infused and then birthed in waves across the planet. Sacred imprints are being returned and seeded deeply within the earth’s Magnetic core, further elevating the entire planets vibrational pulse in alignment with the rest of this resident Universe.


These imprinted designs hold multidimensional light flows of brilliance, which are also designed to transmit and interact within your Heart’s cellular structure creating a metamorphic electrical shift within the brain cells, brain synapses and Pineal. This is the beginning of a next phase of a maturing of your sacred systems to allow you to operate more streamlined, on a conscious level within your multidimensional sacred framework. These spaces within you having been lying dormant until now.



This maturing involves an expansion within the activity of your brain, beginning to utilize areas of your brain that have not been previously operational. The honeycombed areas of brain cells are illuminating, responding to the transmitted imprinted frequency from the Network. As these areas of your brain awaken you will begin to understand, receive clarity of yourself in relationship to the God consciousness state. Awakening, remembering, knowing, clarity! The reality of your Higher-Self state coming into an active focused intent for your living now.


You are being asked to let go and allow, do not edit your experiences through the limited perception of the Ego mind. Allow your Heart to naturally re-enter the oneness, flow within all lifeforce energy within the Universe. This also includes your relationship with each living component that exists within the earth plane and with your Galactic neighbors.


Your purpose is to claim and fulfill being alive. With open arms move into a next step of authentic relationship within the vast pulse of lifeforce energies, which have always existed in each moment within your experience on Earth. You are in truth part of this lifeforce, you have never existed separate from this state. Reality is you being part of this flow of Oneness. You are a unique aspect of the Oneness flow that has always been in place. This process is merely a returning of awareness that has aways been an aspect of truth, always existed beyond the 3rd dimensional illusion. Your mission for this lifetime is to be in this physical body while returning to embody truth!


This Network is playing a powerful role of conductor designed to assist you for this next step of awakening. Acting as a conduit pathway allowing you to re-enter the direct experience within the Oneness flow.

Anonymous ID: ff9a52 March 7, 2025, 3:52 p.m. No.22722194   🗄️.is 🔗kun



So how many waves, we’re talking about waves? How many waves are we going to get? I mean, as will it be, I mean, three waves?


That is what has been prophesied up to this point in terms of potential and probability. We would say that is a good understanding. A third wave, you are in the first wave we will say here. Many of you are in that first wave. And you tend to go back and forth still between the third dimensional expression and fourth and fifth dimensional expression.


But you will find yourselves more and more being in that first wave as these energies continue to come in and you are able to hold these energies more and more within you, which will then raise your vibrational frequency, which then raises your consciousness. And that raises your vibrational frequency further and allows you to hold more energies and begins to crystallize those cellular structures within you and the DNA process begins to connect once again. And you then begin to be able to connect more and more with your higher-god-self and those of higher beings


that are here to assist you in any way that they can as your vibration increases. You begin to match their vibration and so on and so on and so on.


So whether there is one waves, two waves, three waves, four, five, it did, that matters not at this point. Just know that you want to be in that first wave of ascension, okay?

Anonymous ID: ff9a52 March 7, 2025, 3:56 p.m. No.22722210   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ascension process


And I come to be with you at this time, at this time, when you are about to experience a major influx of energy that is going to be coming in, many of you are going to feel that energy. You are going to feel it just walking out in nature and you’ll feel that expression. You’ll feel that lightness or that blissful feeling that will come over you, even if it is just for a moment, but it will heighten in your expression, it will heighten your consciousness and your vibrational frequency at that time.


And then being able to hold that frequency for a little bit longer, in each time this happens, you’ll be able to hold it a little bit longer, be able to anchor that light a little bit more. And that is what this is all about. That is what essentially the ascension process is all about, that you are able to experience this more and more and feel the energies. Not only know about the energies, but begin to actually feel them, to feel them within you. And it is not just certain people that will be able to do this, but more and more will be able to, to the point where all those that are ready for the ascension will feel these energies, more and more, feel that blissfulness come over them.


And that will be something you will want to hold onto. Just as you have had in various times in your life, when you have had that blissful feeling come over you and you wanted to hold onto it.


But at last, you were not able to hold onto it for very long because you were not ready to hold those vibrations, that higher vibration within you. But you are more and more now able to hold that vibration. And when you can hold that higher vibration, then those that have that higher vibration will be attracted to you. That is how this works. That is how the attraction process works. You raised your vibrational frequency and attract higher beings that have that vibrational frequency as well.


And yes, I am speaking of those of the Galactics, those of the Agarthans, those that have that higher vibrational frequency, which will be attracted to you and you to them, more and more and more. That is because of the energies that are coming into the planet and will continue to come in. And you will find that you will be able; again, to hold those energies more and more and experience them.


Will everybody across the planet know this and feel this? no, they will not because many are not ready for this yet. They have not raised their vibrational frequency enough yet to be able to hold that energy. But they will experience it, but it will be in more negative fashion for many of them because their central nervous system is not ready for this. But you, those that have been acclimating to these energies are becoming ready for this more and more and to hold these energies. And that is my message that I came to bring with you today. It goes along with everything that is happening in your third dimensional expression as well in the matrix, if you will.


So much is changing, so much is in process of changing more and more and more. And you will find that these changes will begin to bring more and more people on board, you might say. More and more people will begin to awaken. That is the great awakening. That is what is leading to the first wave of ascension. And yes, there are those that are in that second wave as you were in in your discussion earlier that are in the process also of moving into that first wave because they are beginning to awaken, and more and more shall awaken, because as the republic of this United States or America comes back into being into what it was originally intended to be, then it will grow. It will grow beyond the borders of this United States for America and grow out into boundaries beyond this even across the oceans to encompass the entire planet.


That is what this entire ascension process is all about to bring the world together in unity consciousness. And you have those that are in place right now to begin this process, this process of the new republic spreading everywhere.

Anonymous ID: ff9a52 March 7, 2025, 4:01 p.m. No.22722239   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Be of good cheer, my friends, my brothers and sisters because everything that has been happening up to this point is all happening because of you, you, the light workers, the light warriors that have been the catalyst for bringing this all about and bringing those ones forward to lead the charge, you might say.