Reposting a 2018 drop from Q on /hover? so i gets a new date and trying some fuckery does not make it anything more than an "operator" or a "Mitch" trying too hard for attention
Matt Stieb, of the Intelligencer (part of New York Magazine) wrote something that DOJ thinks Epoch Times is money laundering operation?
That's quite amusing, as I find neither Matt nor the DOJ to have any credibility
I can envision vati walking down the street with signboards and harassing the general public
Weren't you leaving?
>What are you guy doing?
Monitoring "situations"
>You guys figure out the map or nah?
One quadrant, wasn't looking at the rest
>Can give you a nigger decode for $1
No Discounts you cheapskate
Quests via NPC continue
Tired of 007 breaking his cool shit
>Cmon im feeling declassey
It's the weekend, you are too early
>Proof check lol
Check in the mail
>Roger started it
Jessica Rabbit looks better doing it
>Mike passed it over
Must need new glasses
still in the arch
>Did you see 47 holding the key?
Executive Washroom?
>Less than 10 can confirm
That's nice
>Less than 3 can id
I don't do Super Ego on weekends either
Wikipedia does not qualify as sauce
You are full of shit
From the looks of that I'd say Epoch Times had nothing to do with inventing "QAnon"