Will someone tell Kayne to stop being such a Madonna?
He links to a story with a obvious AI first image: https://freebeacon.com/politics/top-10-catastrophic-climate-predictions-that-failed/
He seems to think he is a kingmaker, promoting Kirk for 2032. That's almost as hilarious as the climate predictions in the aforementioned linked article. Let me know when K takes a really unpopular position. Lets hear about #7 #1 and #1 FFS. And holey shit… Steve Bannon (whom I have no problem with) for fucks sake stop with the idol worship, and ask real questions. Like where are the real E tapes THAT HE HAS.
Kayne, you prob reads this, stop thinking just because you are a better DR that the base will follow you, we wont. Be real. Stop with the hyper obvious self directed propaganda. We will drop you like a worthless pebble in our tred.
Other than that… god bless… carry on.