Amen, and God Bless you truly, you are on the right path. The Q Team changes my IDs for me, to protect me, but it doesn't really matter the DS knows who I am and targets us regularly from the shadows anyways, I guess they know there are a lot more out there, and it is appreciated. I am a fighter at heart, and would not stand down to any confrontation but they do not fight that way. Pot shots. Yes, God does it best when He Moves, but like I said, it is our job to clean the swamp, and when He sees we have nothing left, He answers his faithful. Amen, I had 4 NDE that He pulled me out of, and can only testify to the Truth of God's Righteousness. Amen. At one time, I thought it was not real like most, but a little application for a duration is all that it took to at least get a sign. Then comes Fear of the Lord.