test and rant… well aware that all the 'free speech' image boards are honeypots, deleting actual good threads with subjects true anons dig on and post results of… started a Blackrock thread last night and when linked a CNN !? article about them buying Panama ports when US is about to take it back, got deleted… but pol is the worst now… any good thread gets deleted at exactly 30 posts, replaced with how much do you hate women, jeets, Canadians, Russia , etc etc… anyway rant over, when anons find/start another site let us know so we can enjoy it before inevitable infiltration kek one love to the organics out there see ya in the camps ;)
re picrel, dunno who made it but it's top kek blown up… but probably shadow banned so who knows who will see it…. o7
more fake ass Soros funded d n c… at least it (supposedly) not US tax dollars funding this shit now that USAID is supposedly under investigation, although it probably somehow is…
test concluded
top kek pottery and notable.. but it's spelled moran …