the tyb memes are starting to become better than normal memes kek
he is becoming more ghey for every thread
So will the german send the slavs to kill other slavs next?
There's an epidemic of black men sexually trafficking white girls that no one talks about
You get used to the pain after a while. You get desensitized
Thats not true. Without hormones you lose it and become a bipolar insane freak. That would make it 100x worse.
>Today we are talking about the need for a half-million army in Poland
And then send all the white people to the meat grinder mine fields yes?
Just look at all dudes that had testicle cancer and become neurotic like females. They all become nuts and start taking drugs and shit, thinking "psychotherapy" works or some other delusional humbug science like cryo-therapy.
Low t = insta-neurosis x100
Anabolic steroids also make men ghey because they fry your balls. You need naturally higher T without testies turning into KFC nuggies.
Do you believe in demons? like actually?
I'm not trying to make fun of your or be disrespectful. But how do you believe in this? Do you tell people IRL?
yeah we need some kind of gene therapy that permanently alters the t-production in the balls without frying them, so that the production continues forever.
Anabolic steroids are like NAS in a sports car it just makes everything over-drive and blow up. It might work for a moment but you are just fucking up your entire engine by using it. Don't trust the zoomer-bait in youtube with the ronnie coleman bodybuilder porn. There is a reason they always hide the balls.
I have a hard time thinking that someone actually believes in actual demons. I feel like the idea is something people will use to just mess with my head. But you actually believe in it? like for real.
Do you think that these demons know that you notice them?
I would probably get my self checked for schizophrenia if I started believing in spiritual things. No offense. But maybe I'm being harsh and bigoted here, not sure. sorry
>100's of digs all without source or even a link to anything.
It's hard being a baka' these dayz.
Probably the criminals that got caught after using all those "secure" apps to sell drugs. Apparently all these "secure apps" are simply honeypots.
just watch shit pirated online. Why even bother paying for shit
White violent crimes seem to be mostly a meme. I bet that most whites would have a longer life-span if they got a gun and always wore a big knife.
Not sure what you're hinting at. Demons exist because the state does evil stuff?
Yeah, it seems like the higher the genetic difference is the higher the hostility will be between two species. This is quite a reoccuring thing in nature, and humans are no different.
Its probably the case that the more "nig" a nigger is the more violent it is.
hostility from extremely alien invasive species is quite natural. Most species in nature are parasites.
So in a way, just by not being a parasite you become an anomaly.
But aren't you just believing in the belief then? That is something else, no?
I'm pretty confident that most species are parasites, as a fact. Sorry if it comes out as arrogant.
Have you seen the experiment of what happens when you put a brown ant among black ants?
Anyone that has pictures of muscular men on their device is ghey.
we are missing all the happenings in syria
I want to talk to someone that literally believes in demons. It amuses me
theres so much spam damn..
Whats does a jew and a pig have in common?
They are both smarter than a palestinian.
New party starts up in UK: "The Homeland Party". It's said to be pretty rightwing.
Incel: Involuntary celibate
Insol: Involuntary soldier
Its time to deport soros and his deep state cronies. They provide nothing.
Panic is growing.
The leftist mind-virus is fatal.
I tried caring about what you said but I forgot to actually do it while scratching my balls (your ancestral job). But see it from the bright side nigga, we have something in common now for the first time ever!
He is obviously just using trump for attention and publicity.
Can someone explain this please?
In me? Do you think that or do you know that?
Lets say I am a demon and I am aware of it. So what? Are you going to take my rights away? Send me to a mental hospital?
kek didn't even notice it
redpill: There is no mental health crisis. The country and all life in it simply sucks. Those with depression are actually the healthy ones.
its the final redpill when you realize that your depression is just a sign of health. Tyrants are gaslighting you into denying their administrative failure and enslavement. All the "get motivated" videos everywhere are just medicalization of the oppressed to make them work hard despite living in unlivable conditions. The motivational video is the the consolation and sigh of the oppressed inconsolable creature, the dream in world of nightmares. It is the purpose of the people. The opiate of the internet users.
So why even bother calling it demons when it has nothing to do with miracles or magic? Seems like you are just abusing words to make yourself sound dramatic in that case. I've noticed that jordan peterson tends to do this in his talks about spirits, symbols and archetypes. Its fake spirituality.
i thouht the tripcodes algo got cracked, which is why ron disabled it?
Yup pretty much. It's easier to blame om "magic receptors" and voodoo SSRI's than to just say this country fucking sucks.
use it then
I like where you are going with this. Feels good to know there are other anons that are aware.
I think I'm going to leave this site unless ron fixes the spam. It's getting too much.
looks like male feet to me
I've seen multiple high security websites have extreme captcha puzzles with drag and drop and what not, almost small games in side them. Why not try that?
did he try advanced captchas. Not just the ones with skewed letters, but actual drag and drop captchas?
That doesn't say anything. It just sounds smart.
it got put on hold due to national security
99% Botspam
See it from the bright side anon. You are just ahead of the curve. Now enjoy the rest of humanity fall into the darkness and cry about it, it might give you some amusement.
Did you know that weird al yankovic isn't a jew
Its illegal because all the iq60's OD on it by accident.
its true kek
yeah but low IQ subhumans caused everything to be illegal. Guns, drugs, hoes everyhing. They ruined it all.
Yeah he's a crypto-goyim, a very rare specimen.
The more laws a country has the more corrupt it is.
be careful frens
There should be a script that filters anyone that has less than 10% of my postcount.