Anonymous ID: f9f047 March 7, 2025, 9:15 p.m. No.22723557   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ian Carrol

Anonymous ID: f9f047 March 7, 2025, 9:25 p.m. No.22723591   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3600


>There's an epidemic of black men sexually trafficking white girls that no one talks about

I'd rather talk about the rich Kararian Euro mobs that traffic White girls. You know, the ones who control the governments and Law Enforcement in the West? The ones who ALLOW negros to get in on the action?

Fuck your race baiting Boochi.

Anonymous ID: f9f047 March 7, 2025, 9:41 p.m. No.22723646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3670


>the real chosen

which ironically will never have any kind of political leverage until His return. Which at that point any leverage is moot because He returned. That's when we'll be Free. That's the only comfy I can even imagine at this point.

Anonymous ID: f9f047 March 7, 2025, 9:47 p.m. No.22723664   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3671 >>3677


try this on for a concept:

There is no legitimate rationale for a totalitarian country to refrain from harvesting organs from their criminal class. There is no "God" other than the State, so how can it be "wrong"? The State decides what is wrong and right.

Refute this statement w/o referencing "spiritual" concepts.

Anonymous ID: f9f047 March 7, 2025, 9:54 p.m. No.22723684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3693 >>3715


>Not sure what you're hinting at. Demons exist because the state does evil stuff?

No. My point is simply that without the concept of God embedded in society, or some authority that transcends the State, there is no rationale to treat each other humanely.

Anonymous ID: f9f047 March 7, 2025, 10:05 p.m. No.22723714   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3740


>All delays against this goal, is a waste of time and the lives of others.

I agree. And I'll say, that never before has my life been "better" and at the same time never has it been more "difficult" than after I found the Word of God and accepted the reality that he is my only hope.

Unlike you, however, I doubt that "we" can really do Jack Shit about the Evil. Stand up against it yes, but I really think only His intervention will bring true Freedom.

Anonymous ID: f9f047 March 7, 2025, 10:19 p.m. No.22723771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3790


>Meaning that we have to care, endure, have fortitude that His Kingdom might be realized for those that have no understanding or faith, that they might be saved and brought into the fold.

Absolutely, Amen!

He wants all of us, and we should serve this end.

Anonymous ID: f9f047 March 7, 2025, 10:32 p.m. No.22723808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3854


It's interesting your ID changes. I don't know how to do that. For some reason it's surprising to me that one like you would roll that way. Very cool. :-)

>We want peace not blood, but if they pine for it, we will give it to them in an unexpected way.

I cannot argue with that. Only to say I know first hand that he does it so much better than we possibly could. Defeating them, that is.

I can only hope I am strong enough to endure, and follow His will.

Anonymous ID: f9f047 March 7, 2025, 10:54 p.m. No.22723885   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3898


God bless you, Brother, truly.

May He keep you in Peace and comfort!

Even while your work is ongoing.

The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. Again, God Bless you, Brother.