Anonymous ID: 9238c8 March 8, 2025, 8 a.m. No.22725252   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The upcoming March 10 issue.






"…look at the Nugan Hand Bank/Group logo. What does that look like to you?"




"…Nugan's family was in the fruit business in Australia in a town notorious for drug trafficking as well."




"The Nugan Hand Connection"


"The extraordinary cast of people associated with the bank — from aformer head of the CIAto prominent members of the Sydney underworld — Nugan’s death, the coroner’s inquiry, the sensational collapse of the bank and Hand’s disappearance have aroused tremendous interest and comment. But so far little information has come forward…


Shareholders included four other Americans… who all gave as their address the San Francisco office ofAir America, since identified as a CIA-controlled airline used for clandestine operations in Vietnam and Laos."


"Nugan Hand Bank was incorporated in Grand Cayman… soon after another venture, Castle Bank, had been forced to close following revelations that it had been used as aconduit for CIA fundsused in undercover operations…


Castle Bank had been used fortax evasion by American organised crime…An investigation by Internal Revenue was abandoned… after the CIA intervened on the grounds that the probe could jeopardise national security. The head of the CIA at that time was William Colby, who subsequently became alegal representative for Nugan Hand…"