Anonymous ID: fb7024 March 8, 2025, 3:10 p.m. No.22726975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7495

Unbelievable conspiracy theories are starting to emerge about Cyclone Alfred including that it was created by humans


Conspiracy theorists blame condensation trails for ex-tropical cyclone Alfred

'Chemtrails' left by planes in the sky affect the weather, conspiracists claim


A growing number of people are questioning whether ex-tropical cyclone Alfred was a natural phenomenon or if it was a man-made disaster.


The condensation trails left behind aircrafts flying in the sky were actually chemtrails which altered Alfred's weather patterns, conspiracy theorists have claimed.


The ex-cyclone initially looked like it was going to pass Australia by before it took a sharp u-turn towards the country earlier in the week.


Those not content with the Bureau of Meteorology's assurance that the sudden shift was quite natural instead began turning their attention to a niche US military program from 1993.


The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) focused on radio wave propagation, ionospheric disturbances, and space weather effects.


HAARP was originally a joint US Navy and Air Force program run out of the University of Alaska.


Some social media users believed the program was launched by the government in an attempt to understand how to influence extreme weather events.


Experts however dismissed the idea of HAARP ever having been used in any way which could impact cyclones or other natural disasters, according to AAP FactCheck.


The Harvard Solar Geoengineering Research Program

Anonymous ID: fb7024 March 8, 2025, 3:16 p.m. No.22726996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7011 >>7015

I sold my virginity for £1.6MILLION when I was at uni to a Hollywood actor who visited Jeffrey Epstein's paedophile island… but I don't regret anything - now I'm rich and famous


A British university student who auctioned off her virginity for £1.6million has revealed she has no regrets and now wants to become a sugar baby doted on by rich men.


Laura, 22, from Manchester, is one of an increasing number of young women who have sold their virginity on escort sites for large sums of cash.


Despite being born into a 'very strict' family with a religious background, she told MailOnline she 'never wanted to be still single and broke' and felt that, logically, a virginity sale was an easy solution.


And although she found out the man who bid the most for taking her virginity was a Hollywood actor who had visited Jeffrey Epstein's paedophile island, Laura still slept with him.


Now, almost a year after losing her virginity and £1.6million richer, Laura says she has 'no regrets'.


She now hopes to become a sugar baby and demands interested men pay her £30,000-a-month for the pleasure of her company.


The youngster first decided to sell her virginity in December 2023, which is when she submitted an application to escort site Cinderella Escorts.


Laura was then invited to events to meet potential buyers before eventually 'taking it a step further' just months later.


In a hugely competitive bidding process, an 'extremely well-known Hollywood actor from Los Angeles' won the virginity auction, beating a 'politician from London' and a 'Dubai businessman'.


Then, a date for the event was arranged and a member of the escort site's team later accompanied her to a five-star London hotel to meet the man who had laid down more than a £1million to have sex with her.


Laura said that the buyer even brought a doctor to 'confirm the authenticity' of her virginity beforehand.


She insists that while she had not conventionally dated her buyer, they had organised a meeting prior in order to ensure that she 'felt comfortable with the idea of taking it a step further'.


And, far from feeling apprehensive, the young woman could 'hardly wait' to make the hugely anticipated sale.


She said: 'When my virginity was bought, we arranged a day where I was invited to a hotel to spend the night with him. He had brought a doctor with him on the same day to confirm the authenticity of my virginity beforehand.


'It was actually nothing more than an escort booking, with the difference being that I had never had sex before and the amount paid was a lot higher'.


Describing the interaction with her buyer as completely 'harmless' , Laura insisted she had previously 'made friends with the idea' of losing her virginity in a non-traditional way and had also clearly communicated her sexual preferences beforehand.

Anonymous ID: fb7024 March 8, 2025, 3:20 p.m. No.22727009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7459



Hitler's British Handler, William de Ropp


"When Churchill was questioned in Parliament about British failure to support [German army efforts to overthrow Hitler,] he replied that the government had a deliberate policy of not dealing with German nationalist leaders who were considered to be a greater evil than Hitler."


The name "Baron Willam de Ropp" isn't well known. There is just one photo available, and only a short Wikipedia entry. Yet he was a British agent who may have been Hitler's handler.


Hitler's "daring" diplomatic & military coups, which astounded the world, were based on advanced knowledge of British intentions provided by de Ropp.

He adds credence to the argument that the Illuminati created Hitler to foment world war.


According to Ladislas Farago, William de Ropp was "one of the most mysterious and influential clandestine operators" of the era. Born in Lithuania in 1877, educated in Germany, he moved to England in 1910. After serving the British in World War One, he moved to Berlin and contacted fellow Balt, Nazi theoretician Alfred Rosenberg who introduced him to Hitler.


De Ropp worked closely with Rosenberg, who headed the Nazi Party Foreign Office. The Nazis considered him their agent in England where he organized support for the Nazi cause among a powerful segment of the Britsh elite known as the "Cliveden Set." He organized visits of high officials and exchanges of information. In this congenial atmosphere, the Luftwaffe naively opened its secrets to the British. This was part of a larger Illuminati plan ("Appeasement") to make Hitler think England would support his conquest of Communist Russia.


Farago: "A close personal relationship developed between the Fuhrer and de Ropp. Hitler, using him as his confidential consultant about British affairs, outlined to him frankly his grandiose plans…a trust no other foreigner enjoyed to this extent." ("The Game of the Foxes" p.88)


In "King Pawn or Black Knight," (1995) Gwynne Thomas writes: "The Nazi leader took an instant liking to him, particularly when he discovered that de Ropp had powerful connections among English society and was well informed about much of what was happening in London. De Ropp not only enjoyed [Hitler's] confidence but became his spokesman in dealings with the many important British people Hitler wished to influence…there is strong evidence that de Ropp was instrumental in raising funds in the City of London to finance several of the Nazi election campaigns which ensured that by the end of 1933 the Nazi party was totally established and in control." (p.25)


A British agent funded, advised and represented Hitler. At what point was Hitler himself a "British" agent?