When you find out what really is going on in this world, you may want to reflect back on your post. And that's coming from a Canadian born now living in the US.
Think Freedom
Team Canada eh?
Here, give you this list!
Where was Canada/the PM for this emergency?
No different than Biden in the basement.
-The Emergencies Act against convoy protests was unreasonable and violated the Charter, court rules. A federal judge says the Liberal government's use of the Emergencies Act in early 2022 to clear convoy protesters was unreasonable
60 million ArriveScam;
$258 Million in projects to GC Strategies;
Winnipeg Labs;
SNC Scandal;
Aga Khan trip Scandal;
$84k Jamaican Vacation;
$6k/night for a single room for the Queens Funeral;
Drunk version of Bohemian Rhapsody
$1.3 Million on 3 'Affordability Retreats';
China Election Interference, WHO are the 11?
Chinese Police Stations in Canada;
1 billion Green Slush Fund Scandal;
Funding Islamic groups who are protesting in support of Hamas;
$1 Billion paid out for Hotels for Immigrants;
Additional Bell funding, $40 Million to fire staff;
A Billion Dollars to CBC to collapse their credibility and consequently fire workers across the country;
Blocking Veterans Affairs Committee investigation;
$29 Billion in cost overruns on TMX;
Expanding MAiD into those with Mental Illness;
$2 Billion to invest in companies that don't exist FREELAND;
$500 Million to fund abortions in other countries;
And that's coming for a guy who loved and cheered Canada on the four nations hockey tourney.
All the best to you!