you have violated "Robot's Rules Of Order," and will be asked to leave the future, immediately
paging mr. ah…clem
paging mr. ah…clem
you have violated "Robot's Rules Of Order," and will be asked to leave the future, immediately
paging mr. ah…clem
paging mr. ah…clem
>Baker needs a handy
>… and some wipes
go on down to the Old Same Place
service entrance around back
bring cash
>could've ironed it
the wimmings that attend that gathering
believe cooking and ironing are cities in china
>I am eating this right now.
you bastard
i have everything i need to MAKE one of those at home
you bastard
>UAP is a new term that doesn’t automatically connect those dots
how is "unidentified aerial phenomenon" any different that "unidentified flying object" with regard to "aliens?"
aksing for a fren….
knowing she's going to end up in hell someday, is not nearly as satisfying as arranging her transportation today
>So you support making lead illegal as well? Lead is used to kill people.
retarded false analogy… lead has legitimate uses, bioweapons DO NOT
neck yourself now
before patriots kick in the door
if you don't, you'll regret ignoring my advice
>Frenz, POTUS may be losing it
frens… potus may not be potus
[someone] besides the pilots died in the copter crash over DC
the next day, "potus" was sucking bibi's cock in front of a national audience
>We're in the next phase: High-profile arrests.
there seems to be a yuge disconnect between your perception and reality
lower life forms should not be eating higher life forms
it's just wrong
it's why humans don't eat cats or dogs
callsign is reserved for VIP transport, NOT used for "training" flight
try paying attention
>Literally 100's of VIP in the DC area.
why you DEFLECT?
"official" report was ONLY PILOTS
i did NOT say potus
i said [someone] besides pilots
anon does NOT need to provide sauce for speculation
GFY niggerboi
your glow is visible from the ISS
well fucking DUH!
now who is "their" primary target?
who began acting strangely out of character the very next day?
connect the dots?
or do i need to provide a crayon?
>ALSO, a flight tagged VIP can crash BEFORE picking up the VIP,
PAT callsign NEVER used until VIP is aboard
mars and venus CANNOT both be to the same side of the earth, UNLESS one of them is on the far side of the sun
learn some 5th grade science before you embarrass yourself further
venus is closer to the sun, and mars is farther from the sun
when mars earth and venus are all on the same side of the sun, earth HAS to be in the MIDDLE of any syzygy
for what you drew to occur, either earth or mars has to be in opposition (opposite side of the sun)
didn't realize anyone capable of typing could be THAT fucking stoopit
TY for your service
as for wimmings….
they get shook up if the wind blows a branch down from a tree
they will "what if…." about it for weeks
>Q said hold until CONF. God is in control, don't worry.
and what would Q have said if the whole "plan" was nothing but a giant pacification op?
aksing for a fren….
>Sorry you can't understand a FUCKING PICTURE of the actual orbits.
i understand the pic just fine