>explain it, in plain english, no mathematical formulae
>otherwise, BS
Security is based upon prime numbers, hard to reduce unlike even numbers which easily reduced. The bigger the prime the longer it takes to figure out by man and computer without a formula. If it was a formula, then it could easily be deciphered. You and a computer can easily figure out that 93 is divisible by 3 but what would be the next prime? 97, but you would have to check dividing it by at least 43 and below to see if it correct by hard work or computer script. When you talk about checking number that 10k numbers long or longer, it will take great resource to figure that out.
If you had a formula to run on those large numbers, you could easily figure out the next number of the sequence[LPN, LPN, LPN…].
If I already know that last number in the sequence ahead of time, and I offer a reward for it, but you have to use my equipment to figure it out, I can decide if you win or lose at my will because I already know that number.