I think Cyanide is odorless and tasteless, so there is a high probability. I know these things because I have been sprayed over my fence one day while mowing. I knew it was Cyanide and the plant that it comes from, so I knew to wash it off within a minute. But even then, it left it's mark, and now I have problems where I was contaminated that makes me feel like I am going to have a stroke at any moment. You feel it even more, in the cold chilling weather. This is the biggest problem in the world and I have asserted that over and over and over again. Chemical sabotage is the number one cause of all illnesses, disease, and deaths world wide. I always have to wait for the rest of the good guys to ketchup. Just like when I said, 911 was an attack on white, conservative, Christians, and patriots and that they are planning on genociding us right after 911.