Anonymous ID: 586b2c March 9, 2025, 5:34 a.m. No.22729735   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Is there any Religion moar opposed to Christianity than Hinduism?


Read this and understand. >>22729701


What most of these religions have done is taken parts of the Bible and retold their discourses in an older, or different way, in order to capture the financial wealth and minds of the masses. The Cow does have significance as does a multi armed God that correlates to the Bible. For example, Mohammed slayed with the sword and killed all his enemies, yet John the Baptist was beheaded by the sword and his head was given on a silver platter to the Queen Sheba (Shiva?). When you understand that the sword represents the Truth, then the discourses take on new meanings. Otherwise you think some rich Queen likes looking at decapitations on her birthday and Mohammed killed entire armies by swinging an implement. Hope that makes sense.


>Worshipping cows, and multi armed Gods.