Note: popesucu is ahead in all polls by close to 50% of the poll, they are trying to jail him, the elections are being stalled and pushed back. want to hear from trusted sources with proof, is the deep state doing a djt on him, or is he a goosestepping nazi in a different uniform without a swatzsticker.
Romania’s Voters Send ASTONISHING Message
Note: heaver is a trusted source and a ex m.e.p, the reform u.k debacle is a orchestrated psyop to cause division and stop the fight back. hold the line, gbnews and all media are showing their true colours. if farage goes, reform is finished.
Resignation TRIGGERS English Election
Note: the news in the u.k is full of the split and complete ignoring everything else in the world, the boats are still coming, the u.k has fallen out with trump and sided with europe and the country is falling into disrepair with a budget coming in april where they will bring in social credit I.D system, china style.
Nigel Farage
Reform has acted responsibly over Rupert Lowe
The stakes are too high: my party has elections to win
Reform UK, Nigel Farage, General Election 2024, House of Commons, Great Yarmouth, Lee Anderson
08 March 2025 6:04pm GMT
If the last general election taught us anything, it is that the public does not like political parties that engage in constant infighting.
The never-ending civil war that came to define the last Conservative government resulted in the loveless, though large, Labour majority that Britain is saddled with today. I’m acutely aware of this, which is why Reform UK has devoted so much time and effort since July to building a unified national party machine.
Now, thanks to one of our MPs, Rupert Lowe, unloading a barrage of criticisms against our operations and its main actors, that sense of unity has been dented.
The truth is that Mr Lowe has made some excellent interventions over the past eight months and helped to stimulate public debate on a range of pressing issues facing the country.
What many people may not have realised, however, is that in that time he has also managed to fall out with all his parliamentary colleagues in one way or another. We did our best to keep a lid on things but, in the end, containment strategies invariably fail.
One clear example of the type of difficulty that I have in mind occurred in the chamber of the House of Commons just as Parliament was about to enter the Christmas recess.
It was the last parliamentary debate of the year. Mr Lowe, who represents Great Yarmouth, asked Mike Kane, the transport minister, a question about the MV Ruby, a damaged cargo ship which had docked in his constituency while carrying hundreds of tonnes of the potentially explosive fertiliser ammonium nitrate.
Mr Lowe was unhappy with the answer that he received from Mr Kane and, at the end of the debate, he crossed the floor to make his feelings known.
A confrontation ensued. Heated language was heard. The minister’s shoulder was pushed. In the end, the Serjeant at Arms had to step in to calm things down between the two parliamentarians. Commenting on Mr Lowe’s conduct later, Mr Kane told GB News that “the anger displayed towards me clearly showed a man not in charge of his own faculties”. Nobody in Reform UK said anything publicly about what had happened. Instead, we carried on.
Yet the fact is that, sadly, there have been too many similar outbursts from Mr Lowe, often involving the use of inappropriate language, to the despair of our chief whip, Lee Anderson. I have been surprised and saddened at this behaviour. Certainly, I never saw anything like it in the European Parliament in 2019 when I was the leader of the Brexit Party and Mr Lowe was an MEP colleague.
Last week, the chairman of Reform UK, Zia Yusuf, showed me two letters sent by female members of staff to our party headquarters. Each letter contained an accusation of workplace bullying involving Mr Lowe. One of the incidents in question is alleged to have taken place within the parliamentary estate.
As a responsible political party, Reform UK has a duty of care to every single member of staff, whether they are employed by us directly or indirectly. With that in mind, I believe that our chairman was entirely right for Reform to appoint a KC to conduct an independent inquiry. It is inconceivable that we could simply ignore such allegations.
Whether this turn of events prompted Mr Lowe to use a newspaper interview this week to launch a political attack against me, I cannot say. All I do know is that Mr Yusuf was presented with complaints which he could not simply disregard. That is not the way of Reform UK.
But let’s pretend for a minute that Mr Yusuf had turned a blind eye to what the letters allege. Can anybody imagine what sort of a storm Reform UK would be facing now if it transpired that this unfortunate situation had been dealt with by trying to play it down or, worse, sweep it under the carpet?
I am certain that to have done nothing would have been considerably worse for everybody concerned: the two women who claim they are the victims of workplace bullying; Mr Lowe; Mr Yusuf in his capacity as party chairman; and the reputation of Reform UK. Trust is the cornerstone of politics, after all.
For now, we must wait and see what findings the parliamentary authorities reach. We must also wait to hear what the KC who has been tasked with looking into these matters has to say.
Until we know more, I must return to the crucial job of getting 1,500 vetted Reform UK candidates out into the field for the local and mayoral elections on 1 May. It is essential that they stand for public office with a united team foursquare behind them.
If Britain is to thrive, we must rid the country of this socialist government. That is why I believe that Reform UK matters more now than it has ever done before. That is why it is so important that our party – and every single one of its representatives – behaves responsibly at all times. Nothing less will do.
but that article is written by farage.
primary source who is leading the reform party.
the u.k does not have the free speech laws as the usa, the deep state in the u.k is evil and oppressive.
the want to shut down free speech before kash release the fveys crimes.
massive subject
btw full caps red text posting is retarded.
buy high
the price was too short.
trump has not gone after fveys yet.
anon know a bigger picture than the normmies and the talking heads who are given scripts and rehearsals to outrage the public.
Either the u.k and europe become Stalinised or china ccp styled. or they become free.
here is a quick betting market lesson for anons.
that market anon has posted is calculated so the bookies make a profit no matter who wins.
but there are only two actual winners.
labour at 2.24 (that includes the stake return or as fraction 5/4 aka £1 wins you £2.25 including your stake approx
reform u.k are 4.00 aka 3/1 or £1 wins you £4
so take the two prices as 5/4 and 3/1 and work how much you have to stake to win a £100
5/4 = £44.44 returns £100.00
3/1 = £25.00 returns £100.00
so if you stake £69.44 on the above two prices to return £100, you are guarrenteed a profit of
£30.56 profit
scale that up to the thousands and you cannot lose.
do not tell anyone about what anon has shown you as that insider knowledge from a old expert who had over 30 years in the betting industry.
btw anon gave up gambling
cos of what habbened with the 2020 elections as anon lost a shit ton with what they did to trump and anon went in on one options.