GM Frogs
Literally no one on the planet would care if Q kept posting. Moar deep state executions or GTFO, at least IMHO. No one gives a shit about riddles and deltas and cryptic bullshit you need to decipher with gematria. The time for talk and bullshit is over, the time for real change is at hand.
Religion was created thousands and thousands of years before Christ. Christianity, like all religions, is purely about control and profit. Always was always will be an addiction of the soul to keep you living in fear and under control. It's all a lie. P.S. Jesus is literally Horus and other MUCH OLFER deities rehashed for modern control, and cesare borgia is what 99% of Christians believe is christ
Yes because you should kill everyone who doesn't believe in the same imaginary fren as you.
Behold original Christian (and all religious) ideology
Presented with facts and you respond with cognitive dissonance and deflection
The world is too far gone and brainwashed to ever be saved from the clutches of religion (all evil)
Were you not paying attention earlier? Jesus never existed, it's literally a carbon copy rehash of Horus and Mithras and others.