Anonymous ID: 00cd39 July 24, 2018, 8 p.m. No.2273359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3472

>>2272935 Previous (#2864)


We can track the history, and origin, of Hussein, the public personna who was POTUS for eight years.


Stanley Ann Dunham, his mother, raised him in fits and starts. Her parents, Madelyn Lee Payne and Stanley Armour Dunham, married couple, stepped into the parental roles during the pre-teen and teen-aged years in Hawaii.


S.A. Dunham;s 2nd husband was Lolo Soetoro. Step-dad to Barry – perhaps not by adoption, however, but merely by the social status of having married the boy's mother.


Also there was Frank Marshall Davis. Barry bears a strong resemblance. Much moreso that with Obama Sr.


Who was Hussein's real father?


Perhaps whomever he decided? Perhaps whomever he fabricated from more than one individual who had "fathered" him?


At the very least, Obama had two fathers by virtue of his mother's marriages; and perhaps a 3rd by way of a non-marital relationship his mother had that coincided with Barry's conception, birth, early childhood; Barry had an abiding friendship with Marshall until Mashall died in the late 1980s – around the time that Obama Sr died, also, and around the time that Hussein made his trip to Pakistan and began the process of rec-constructing his identity.


His IDEN. No facial hair. The Other Person?


Face important


I think "cross FBY bypass" is meant to prompt us to see Hussein's reflection in the various postings to foreign positions in State Department. Think about it: given Hussein's own history, or track record, would he have had a tough time gaining a security clearance under the standard protocols? Certainly people like Huma Abedin would have and yet Hussein used the bypass more than forty times. This reflects on him as POTUS, yes, but it may also reflect him onto others?


Compare Hussein with Marshall. Pics to be posted later but if you have any, Anon, please post with your thoughts.


What did he see in these "fathers" and what did he pick and choose to construct his new personna, Barrack?

Anonymous ID: 00cd39 July 24, 2018, 8:36 p.m. No.2273898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3902

The keystone ???


Why Did Huma Slip?


But wait a sec . . . this is coming from a woman who is said to be “one of the key glues that holds Clintonworld together”? Who married, and stayed married to, Anthony Weiner? Who used her connection with Clinton to pressure Democratic donors to back his shameless and ill-fated mayoral run, and who, if one friend of hers is to be believed, at the same time covered over what she knew about his continued sexual disorders?


She never reads anything about herself?


Hmm . . .



Hillary could be seen as another who exploits this. Huma works for her with the understanding that that naïve side of her character is an asset — a key part of her job is to remain innocent about the darker inner-workings of “Clintonworld” even while becoming expert about every aspect of its above-board workings.


Option two: this is all an act. Sh is thoroughly sophisticated in the political sense, even if she can easily fall into an air-head-ish or naïve way of talking. She knew the key facts about what her family was about. She knew the key facts about what her husband was about. Perhaps in both instances she played dumber than she was the better to serve her own agendas, but she knew the basics. She does the same with Hillary, albeit with not a few knowing winks between the two. Her innocent image may be insulated from the darker corners of Clintonworld, but not her mind.



And do note, if the second option is correct, which seems more likely to be the case, it does not matter much whether Hillary and Huma have ever been lesbian lovers. All that matters is that there has been some kind of genuine connection between them, which has led to rumors of a love affair, rumors that Huma is now seeking to exploit for her own purposes. Are these Muslim Brotherhood purposes? Self-interested purposes? Or, given the smear-employing reputation of the Clintons, self-protection purposes? Or are all these purposes at work?


Do not focus upon whether the lesbian-love rumors are true, nor upon the viciousness of those who gleefully embrace them as true without knowing, but upon the undeniable fact that they do exist, which means they could and can be exploited by Huma.



t is certainly the case that Hillary has brought them upon herself by sticking so closely by Huma despite what was revealed about her family’s connections to the Muslim Brotherhood and about her entanglement in the Weiner scandals. And it is certainly the case that the Democratic Party has brought them upon itself by — even more unaccountably — sticking with the House of Clinton.



from NRO, April 6, 2016.


Compare with rumours of deals and counter-deals today. And the recent conviction of Omar Amanat, first-cousin and very close family member of the Abedin's – Huma, sister Heb, brother Hassan, mother Saleha. Human has played her part in her cousin's serial swindling – helping him to run cons – all through her working time with the Clintons, especially while at State with HRC.