Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:01 p.m. No.2273373   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Black Nobility are the core and foundation of the global crime syndicate. They are the owners and controllers of the Vatican, Holy See, Society of Jesus, Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Knights of Columbus, and Italian Mafia. They are the centralized group within the royal and noble families of Europe and they are married in with most European royalty. The Black Nobility are the rulers of the former Papal States and they work closely with the other Italian noble families. They manage the European Monarchies as branches of their corporatized Roman empire. The word Catholic by definition means universal. The Black Nobility use the Vatican as an intelligence network with their Episcopal See’s as the overseers of districts. Archbishops are the highest level of oversight in their territories and they oversee religion, politics, business, education, and organized crime. Jesuits are used as spies and for infiltration. Jesuits are involved with mass mind control and they use their universities for recruiting agents for Rome. The Order of Malta is a military council and engineers of wars. The Knights of Columbus are used for infiltration into politics, police, and law. Mafias are used as their enforcers which corrupt, blackmail, and extort businessmen, politicians, and bankers. The Holy See is a corporate entity and through fraudulent contracts the Black Nobility attempt to incorporate governments and other corporate entities under its authority. The most dominant bloodlines of the Black Nobility include the Massimo, Colonna, Pallavicini, Odescalchi, Gaetani, Torlonia, Borghese, Aldobrandini, Lucchsesi-Palli, Medici, and Sforza-Cesarini families.

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:05 p.m. No.2273438   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Zionic Mind Control


The royal and noble bloodlines have engineered an artificial matrix in the lower atmosphere used for mind control and mental harassment. They call this artificial matrix Zion. The Zionist Sanhedrin are the mathematical or geometrical programmers of society and this group includes priests, rabbis, imams and occultists. It is done on both a mass level through HAARP and radio telescopes and also individually through electronic smart devices and their wireless frequencies. The royal and noble families uses priests, rabbis, and imams to develop the algorithms and programs used for mind control. Freemasons are involved. They outsource individual targeting to occultists and hackers like Anonymous which operate through the dark web. These geometric programs are radiated through wireless frequencies, modern electronics, and the overall electronic grid in society like smart devices and even transformers on telephone poles. The large electronic stations are radiating geometric sigils into society. In witchcraft they use hexagrams and pentagrams for oppressing and binding. The hexagon is the most efficient geometric shape for processing thermal energy. This is why snakes often have hexagonal scales for absorbing thermal energy. Snowflakes are often hexagonal from heat extraction. Pent in pentagram refers to enclosing or binding something to create a build up. HAARP is also used for mass mind control and is radiating geometrically designed programs into the atmosphere which resonate all around. Vibrations effect more than what is seen like cause and effect. Radiating these frequencies into the atmosphere is like throwing a stone into a pool of water which creates ripples and effects. They use chemtrails for various purposes including enhancing these frequencies with nano conductive particles which they call “smart dust.” The US military uses spray on antennas and chemtrails function in a similar way. They are creating an artificial mind control matrix in the lower atmosphere. The CIA and Navy have a large operation in Cuba at GTMO where they torture people and extract adrenochrome. Then blood intoxicated psychopaths hook their brains into neuro-computer interface technologies which is then connected to the USAF’s HAARP system in Puerto Rico and target society or members of society. Cuba like a cube or Black Cube. Captain David Culpepper is the head of these criminal Cuban operations. A psycho named Adam Ross Hoyt worked at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp where he raped, tortured, murdered, and cannibalized men and women there. That is what they have been doing at GTMO. Today Adam Ross Hoyt gang stalks me constantly.



Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:06 p.m. No.2273442   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Zionic Mind Control


The royal and noble bloodlines have engineered an artificial matrix in the lower atmosphere used for mind control and mental harassment. They call this artificial matrix Zion. The Zionist Sanhedrin are the mathematical or geometrical programmers of society and this group includes priests, rabbis, imams and occultists. It is done on both a mass level through HAARP and radio telescopes and also individually through electronic smart devices and their wireless frequencies. The royal and noble families uses priests, rabbis, and imams to develop the algorithms and programs used for mind control. Freemasons are involved. They outsource individual targeting to occultists and hackers like Anonymous which operate through the dark web. These geometric programs are radiated through wireless frequencies, modern electronics, and the overall electronic grid in society like smart devices and even transformers on telephone poles. The large electronic stations are radiating geometric sigils into society. In witchcraft they use hexagrams and pentagrams for oppressing and binding. The hexagon is the most efficient geometric shape for processing thermal energy. This is why snakes often have hexagonal scales for absorbing thermal energy. Snowflakes are often hexagonal from heat extraction. Pent in pentagram refers to enclosing or binding something to create a build up. HAARP is also used for mass mind control and is radiating geometrically designed programs into the atmosphere which resonate all around. Vibrations effect more than what is seen like cause and effect. Radiating these frequencies into the atmosphere is like throwing a stone into a pool of water which creates ripples and effects. They use chemtrails for various purposes including enhancing these frequencies with nano conductive particles which they call “smart dust.” The US military uses spray on antennas and chemtrails function in a similar way. They are creating an artificial mind control matrix in the lower atmosphere. The CIA and Navy have a large operation in Cuba at GTMO where they torture people and extract adrenochrome. Then blood intoxicated psychopaths hook their brains into neuro-computer interface technologies which is then connected to the USAF’s HAARP system in Puerto Rico and target society or members of society. Cuba like a cube or Black Cube. Captain David Culpepper is the head of these criminal Cuban operations. A psycho named Adam Ross Hoyt worked at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp where he raped, tortured, murdered, and cannibalized men and women there. That is what they have been doing at GTMO. Today Adam Ross Hoyt gang stalks me constantly.

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:06 p.m. No.2273453   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3480 >>3514

The primary mainframes to this Zion matrix is the NSA Database in Utah and the British Government Communications Headquarters and their Tempora system. Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak and Rabbi David Lau are top Zionic programmers working with Israeli intelligence. High level members in the Jesuits and Freemasons are also members. Some of their mind control programs are based on their false laws of Canon, Talmud, and Shariah. Imam Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais of Saudi Arabia, Saud Al-Shuraim of Saudi Arabia, and Imam Yahya Sergio Yahe Pallavicini of Italy are other high level members in this Zionist Sanhedrin. Khalid bin Faisal Al Saud is the Governor of Makkah Province in Saudi Arabia, an Italian knight, friend of Prince Charles, and the top Islamic programmer. Members of the Roman Rota are also involved including Maurice Monier, Hans-Peter Fischer, and Pierangelo Pietracatella. The Windsors have a harp on their coat of arms and the Pallavicinis have a statue holding a harp at their Austrian palace. These families have authority over the HAARP system through their agents that have infiltrated the USAF. Other families which use the harp for a symbol include the Hanover, FitzJames, and Guinness families. During ancient times they used harps or lyres along with poems or odes for bewitchment. Mind control or mental manipulation is what sorcery really is. The modern harp symbol originated in Ireland. There is a mind control operation in Ireland called I-LOFAR with the Guinness and Parsons families involved. HAARP is also used for weather manipulation to a limited degree. The Rothschild and Goldsmith families finance brainwashers which develop and radiate spells. They finance program developers and hackers which use the programs. Zachary Hubbard and Benjamin Liashenko also known as RussianVids develop mind control spells which they target people with covertly. Zachary K Hubbard and Benjamin P Liashenko worship the Israeli Amazon witch and actress Gal Gadot. Gadot and her husband Yaron Varsano are pure evil. Frank Zac Goldsmith finances Zachary Hubbard and Benjamin de Rothschild finances Benjamin Liashenko. Both Hubbard and Liashenko work with satanic wiccan cults and assist them with gang stalking, mind control, and brainwashing. Zachary and Benjamin are depraved and really destructive.

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:07 p.m. No.2273458   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak specializes in spells of blasphemy and zealously like pretending to be God and condemning innocent people. Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak engineers spells of condemnation, judgement, and dehumanization. They radiate people with spells of condemnation with the intent of making the victims think it is God condemning them. The Roman Catholic Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem are architects of their false god program. The Black Monks or Order of Saint Benedict are an ancient Catholic priesthood involved in blasphemy and condemnation programs. Gregory Polan is the head of the Black Monks today with Notker Wolf of Bavaria as the former recent head. The Bavarian House of Witteslbach oversee the Black Monks. Jesuits develop spells of deception. They track what people read online and if they don’t want a person to believe something that exposes them they radiate vibrations of confusion or deception. They use electronic weapons to harass or irritate people when they are doing something they don’t like. A person often has no idea they are being targeted but subconsciously picks up on it. They become irritated every time they speak out so their subconscious stops them from speaking out. The Zionist Rabbis have a global intelligence network which works with Jesuits and Freemasons. They obtain information through intelligence gathering systems and create psychological profiles on their targets. Many of the people who are targeted by this believe it is God or even aliens. Many victims are known as “targeted individuals” and most who have studied this refer to these attacks as synthetic telepathy. Avigdor Lieberman is the head of the Israeli Defense Force including their Israeli Intelligence Corps division or Unit 8200. Gadi Eizenkot is another head of the IDF and extremely evil. They work with Mossad headed up by Yossi Cohen operating out of Tel Aviv. Unit 8200 runs the Urim SIGINT Base which uses satellite mind control technologies capable of targeting people around the world. They run mind control programs on internet sites like Godlike Productions and Gematrix created by Cnaan Aviv a Unit 8200 agent. The Talmudic-Zionist council develops and oversee the programs run from Urim SIGINT.

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:07 p.m. No.2273461   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The royal and noble bloodlines and some branches of the military have neuro-brain computer interface technologies. Some of this was developed by the Human Brain Project which was financed by the European Union. They can basically plug their minds into computers and then run programs like GENESIS and NEURON which are biological and neurological simulators that are really intended to hack the human brain and physiology. The Jesuit educated James Bower created GENISIS. Modern electronics have been designed to emit these frequencies. Their thoughts get transferred into electronics or even HAARP and then these systems transfer them through electronic emissions and target people. The Hanover and Savoy families have access to these technologies in Germany and Switzerland. Prince Donatus of Hesse is also involved. The Church of Scientology have hacking programs and neuro-brain computer interface technologies with many members of Hollywood involved. The Kabbalah Centre is also involved. The Italian Mafia have a large operation in Boca Raton and there is also a Kabbalah Centre located there. I believe they have neuro-brain computer interface tech. They want people to think it is artificial intelligence or aliens to deflect away from them. The Indermaur family have financed the Church of Scientology and Robert Indermaur and Christopher Indermaur are involved with this electronic harassment. They can target people through electronics like a synthetic telepathy. They run mind control programs through radio telescope systems with Dutch LOFAR and ASTRON leading these programs using large antenna arrays. There is a large operation in New Zealand using radio telescopes and antenna arrays. The Black Nobility, Italian Mafia, and SMOM have weaponized computer technologies. Kabbalah Centers have electronic weaponry. The Windsor, Stanley, Drummond, and Russell families of the UK are involved and run MERLIN satellites. The Belgian royal and noble families have access to these evil technologies. The Bush-Walker family are involved with their agent Steven Walker as Director of DARPA. The NSA Database, HAARP, and the Church of Scientology need to be shut down.

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:10 p.m. No.2273514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3523


Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump reportedly received a blessing in Jerusalem on Sunday from Israel’s Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef — who was condemned by the Anti-Defamation League earlier this this year for comparing black people to monkeys.


Kushner and Trump, both senior advisors to President Trump, are in Israel as part of the American delegation celebrating the moving of the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Jewish Insider reported that in addition to having dinner with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and attending a ceremony at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, they also received a blessing from Yosef, one of the country’s two chief rabbis.

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:11 p.m. No.2273535   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Maupeou and Thales Group


The House of Maupeou of Ableiges and Bruyeres are French nobility working under the House of Bonaparte and involved with the Roman Catholic Church with Roman Bishop Xavier de Maupeou and Belgian Priest Daniel-Angel of Maupeou of Ableiges. The French Maupeou family held the titles of Keeper of the Seals, Controller-General of Finances, Chancellor of France and held positions as officers in French military. In recent years Amaury de Maupeou of Ableiges has been the Port Commander for Marseille-Fos. Rene Nicolas Charles Augustin de Maupeou was Chancellor of France and the most well known member of this family. The family are members of the Nobles of the Robe which means they had specific roles in government while also being members of nobility. The House of Maupeou are extremely sadistic and torturous and involved with using electronic weapons on individuals in society. They are the type that torture innocent people with a smile on their face. Gerard de Maupeou is a professor at HEC Paris teaching business management. Gerard de Maupeou has worked as a top executive for France Telecom. Telecommunications are involved with electronic torture and wireless frequencies hacking the physiology. The House of Maupeou have a porcupine on their coat of arms. Their attacks feel like needles pricking the skin and they can be relentless.


Most electronic systems are running brain-physiological hacking software like GENESIS and NEURON which claim to simulate the human brain and physiology. Prince Charles-Emmanuel of Rochechouart, 16th Duke of Mortemart is one of the highest authorities in France and he oversees Count Charles de Maupeou who is from Paris and is the head of the Maupeou family and a sadistic despot. He works at his family’s Chateau de Colombieres hotel with Count Etienne de Maupeou d’Ableiges. The family formerly owned the Castle of Mesnuls which is now owned by Thales Group which is a military electronics company involved with defense, security, and aerospace and headed up by the French Knight of the Legion of Honour Patrice Caine. I believe the Maupeou family have large amounts of hidden shares in Thales and direct them to use electronic weaponry on individuals marked for targeting. The company has a Thales Electron Devices division involved with developing microwave products and also a Thales Communications & Security division which develops mobile networks, defense protection systems, and radio-communication technologies. Military technology companies often develop what are called “directed energy weapons” which are microwave, electromagnetic, and pulse weapons that can target people through unseen frequencies. The House of Maupeou basically have part ownership over Thales and are using these directed energy weapons to target people who oppose their tyranny.

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:13 p.m. No.2273561   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3596

Engineers of War (Knights of Malta)


The Sovereign Military Order of the Malta (SMOM) is the oldest knighthood in the world and its headquarters is located in Rome at the Palazzo Malta and Magistral Villa of Malta. The SMOM is considered a sovereign entity under International Law and under the United Nations. The SMOM also has extraterritoriality within Italy similar to an embassy. The Knights of Malta and Orders of Saint John are the engineers of war. Many members of the royal families and heads of constitutional monarchies are members of the SMOM. What makes the SMOM different from all the other knighthoods is that it is a sovereign entity. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta has a higher authority than the Vatican which is why most monarchs are members. Members include Juan Carlos the former King of Spain, Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg, Karl von Habsburg of Austria, King Philippe of Belgium, Queen Paola of Belgium, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy the Prince of Naples, Duke Franz of Bavaria, Crown Prince Alexander of Yugoslavia, Prince Louis Alphonse of Bourbon, Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Parma, Princess Elizabeth von Thurn and Taxis, Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna of Russia, Grand Duke George Mikhailovich of Russia, Prince Alois of Liechtenstein, Prince Mariano Hugo of Windisch-Graetz and Prince Jaime the Count of Bardi. Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Liechtenstein, and Luxembourg are monarchies ruled by royalty. The President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker is a Knight of Malta. Queen Elizabeth II is the Queen of the island of Malta and she runs the related Protestant branch called the Order of Saint John. The Bailiwick of Brandenburg Order of Saint John also related to the Knights of Malta is run by Prince Oscar of Hohenzollern-Prussia. Peter Freiherr of Furstenberg is the Vice President of the German Association of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Another Order of Malta connected with the Island of Malta and Spain is headed up by Prince Thorbjorn Paterno-Castello-D’Aragona. The Vatican and Knights of Malta established the Mount of Piety for profit loan-pawn company claiming to be a charity which has become an international institution that has created various banks with it’s headquarters in Valletta, Malta.

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:13 p.m. No.2273564   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Prince Carlo Massimo is the President of the Italian Association of the Order of Malta and is covertly overseeing the SMOM from Rome. Prince Carlo Massimo is extremely militant and murderous. The Massimo family are part owners of the Holy See and Order of Malta. The Austrian Ludwig Hoffmann von Rumerstein is the current acting leader of the SMOM. Rumerstein is a military commander. The Massimo, Torlonia, Lucchesi-Palli, Pallavicini, and Odescalchi families control the Order of Malta and grant a form of “sovereignty” in society to high level members like the monarchs. The Austrian Nobility are in league with the Italian Nobility and help to manage the Knights of Malta. The Sovereign Council of the Order of Malta is a top military council in the world which engineers wars. Prince Ludovico Chigi-Albani-della Rovere was the Grand Master of the SMOM during WWII and his mother in law was a Rochefoucauld. Current administrative members of the SMOM include Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto, Grand Chancellor Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager, Grand Hospitaller Prince Dominique de La Rochefoucauld-Montbel, and the Receiver of Common Treasury Count Janos Esterhazy de Galantha. The Boeselager family were Nazis involved in the fake “failed plot to assassinate Hitler” known as Operation Valkyrie. They made a movie about it with the Knight of Malta Tom Cruise who was knighted when he got married at the Odescalchi Castle in Rome. The Rochefoucauld family is French nobility. The Esterhazy family is a Roman Catholic Austrian Nobility. Richard Fitzalan Howard is President of the British Association of the Order of Malta and Ian Scott is Grand Prior of the Grand Priory of England an ancient British branch of the Knights of Malta. Prince Erich von Lobkowicz is the President of the Association of German Knights and his relative Charles-Henri de Lobkowicz is also a Knight of Malta. The Austrian nobility have always been connected with the SMOM and most of them are Roman Catholic. The Austrian Prince Galeas von Thun und Hohenstein was a former Grandmaster of the Order of Malta.

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:13 p.m. No.2273577   🗄️.is 🔗kun

William F. Buckley Jr. was a Knight of Malta and Conservative political commentator in the United States. Pat Buchanan is another Conservative political commentator and Knight of Malta. J. Peter Grace was an American businessman, politician, member of the Council for National Policy and a Knight of Malta. The Nazi Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen was a Knight of Malta. The Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen was a Knight of Malta and he also ran German intelligence for the United States after WWII. Dwight D. Eisenhower was the only officially known Knight of Malta that has been President of the United States. The Knight of Malta Joseph Schmitz was Inspector General for the Department of Defense under George Bush and also an executive for the private military company Blackwater Worldwide renamed Academi which was bought up by Constellis along with Clayton Consultants which was headed up by Jesuit Georgetown educated Armand Gadoury who I believe is a Knight of Malta and adviser working for the DOD through the company Control Risks. Joseph Schmitz was a professor at Jesuit Georgetown and worked as a political adviser for Donald Trump during his election campaign. The founder of Blackwater Erik Prince is a suspected Knight of Malta and referred to his Blackwater mercenaries as Christian Crusaders. Erik Prince has advised Trump. The Jesuits were kicked out of Iraq in 1960’s. Other Knights of Malta include former CIA Directors John A. McCone, William J. Casey, and William Colby who was nicknamed the “warrior priest.” The Sovereign Military Order of Malta has a hidden operation at Georgetown University and its School of Foreign Service and work through the Jesuits in overseeing the US Pentagon. Joel Hellman is Dean of Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service. I believe the President of Georgetown University John DeGioia is a Knight of Malta. Joseph Kennedy was a Knight of Malta and married Vatican Countess Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald Kennedy of the Irish Fitzgerald nobility. Adrian FitzGerald is a Knight of Malta and ran the Irish Association of the Order of Malta. The Knights of Malta run Maritime Law. The Knight of Malta Arvid Pardo developed the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The Greek royal House of Glucksburg are part owners of the SMOM because they run the Greek Merchant Marine.

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:14 p.m. No.2273584   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Knight of Malta Alexander Haig was a US Army General, US Secretary of State under Ronald Regan, and White House Chief of Staff under Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Haig was also Jesuit educated from Georgetown University. He was the one covertly running the Pentagon and White House during the 70’s and 80’s and likely a descendant of the British noble family of Haig. George Haig the 2nd Earl Haig who died in 2009 was a British Peer, Royal Scot Grey in the British Army, and Knight of the Order of Saint John which is the Protestant Knights of Malta. His son is Alexander Haig the 3rd Earl Haig. The Vietnam War was nicknamed “Spelly’s War” for Cardinal Spellman because of his support for the war. The CIA was founded by William Donovan who was nicknamed the “father of central intelligence” and he was knighted by two Vatican orders and likely a Knight of Malta. Jesuit educated CIA Directors include Robert Gates, George Tenet, Leon Panetta, Michael Morell, David Petraeus and John Brennan and they are overseen by the Order of Malta. Former CIA Director James Clapper was a professor at Georgetown. The Jesuit Order was established by the Farnese family under Pope Paul III or Alessandro Farnese through the papal bull called Regimini Militantis Ecclesiae (Military Regiment of the Church). The House of Farnese lived in a pentagonal fortress called the Farnese Caprarola just as the US Department of Defense is headquartered at the Pentagon. The Farnese bloodline evolved into the Bourbon-Two Sicilies and Bourbon-Parma families. The Vatican and the Knights of Malta are deeply involved with the US military and intelligence. The Knights of Malta also oversee the Sacred Constantinian Military Order of St. George headed up by the Knight of Maltas Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Parma and they oversee the Jesuits which operate as military intelligence. There is an American Association of the Order of Malta with Peter J. Kelly as the President, Richard D. Milone as the Chancellor, and James F. O’Connor as the Treasurer. Margaret Melady is the President of the Federal (Southern) Association of the Order of Malta located in Washington DC. This whole group is extremely evil.

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:15 p.m. No.2273598   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Vatican Death Squad of Columbus


The Knights of Columbus are a Roman Catholic international military order. Knights are defined as military servants. The Knights of Columbus (KofC) take their name from the Genova born Christopher Columbus who was partially funded by the Doria banking family of Genova who are intermarried with the Colonna family of Rome and Savoy family. The names Colonna and Columbus both mean a column and Christopher Columbus was really a relative of the Colonna family. The District of Columbia takes its name from Columbus. The Knights of Columbus use the Roman fasces symbol for their logo and the Roman fasces symbol is also all over federal buildings and seals in the District of Columbia. The KofC are a fascist militant order. The Knights of Columbus are structured like Freemasonic Orders with degrees and initiations. The KofC was developed as an alternative to Freemasonry since Roman Catholics are not supposed to be official members of Freemasonry although that is not always the case. The Knights of Columbus are headquartered in New Haven Connecticut which is also the headquarters for the Yale’s Skull and Bones. Many police officers, lawyers, judges and politicians are members of the Knights of Columbus and are covertly serving the interests of the Vatican. I had a former US army solider and Knight of Columbus that targeted me with poison. I had another Knight named Greg Corrado that gathered intelligence on me and slandered my name around town. Greg Corrado is a paid gang stalker and he uses his payments to go to South America where he purchases underage girls to have sex with. The KofC endorsed Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito who is a suspected member of the KofC. The KofC claims in their endorsement of Samuel Alito that Roman Catholics are not fully accepted in America yet 5 of the 9 Supreme Court Justices are Roman Catholic today. Eric Bolling, Bill O’Reilly, and Steve Doocy of Fox News are suspected Knights of Columbus. Rupert Murdoch is a Vatican Knight of St Gregory. Fox News has a historical record of pushing pro war propaganda.

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:15 p.m. No.2273608   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jeb Bush is a fourth degree Knight of Columbus and his wife’s name is Columba Bush. Dennis Savoie is the Canadian ambassador to the Holy See and has been Deputy Supreme Knight of the KofC and Supreme Treasurer of the KofC. Dennis Savoie like the House of Savoy which ruled Italy and put in the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini in power who established the Vatican as a nation through the Lateran Treaty of 1929. The fasces symbol used by the KofC is the origin for the word fascism which means a centralization of power. The Knights of Columbus are a secret society directly controlled by the Vatican. They are involved with persecuting those the Pope of Rome has declared as heretics and they carry out this persecution for money. I know of the persecution carried out by members of the KofC from my own personal experiences. The Italian Nobility are the owners of the Vatican, the Society of Jesus, the Knights of Columbus, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, and the Italian Mafia. The Italian Nobility use their Knights of Columbus to infiltrate police departments and court systems in the United States which assist the Italian Mafia. The Colonna family are the primary owners of the KofC and they also own the Colombo crime family. Carl Albert Anderson is an attorney who worked under President Ronald Reagan’s administration and is the current Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus. Other top Knights of Columbus in the United States include Archbishop William E. Lori, Patrick E. Kelly, Michael J. O’Connor, Ronald F. Schwarz, and John A. Marrella. The Knights of Columbus receive donations to their charities and a portion is used to finance their knights which spread division and gang stalk people the Papacy has declared as heretics under Canon Law. The fasces symbol with the axe used by the KofC represents fascist tyranny under the threat of force. An axe divides. These knights manipulate both political parties. They use divide and conquer and spread division.

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:16 p.m. No.2273616   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is the Facebook page of a Knight of Columbus that attempted to murder me with poison. His first name is Robert. He is a former member of the US military and was initiated into a paramilitary death cult through murdering innocent people in Iraq. After he got out of the military he pretended to be paralyzed in a wheelchair. He called himself DJ Paralysis and now calls himself DJ Lobsta and Spirits of Wisdom. The name Lobsta represents the Italian House of Gambara which are related with the Gambino mafia family. Robert is a relentless gang stalker and is financed through the Knights of Columbus and Vatican.

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:17 p.m. No.2273632   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jesuit Order of Liars, Terrorists, and Infiltrators


The Society of Jesus also called the Jesuits function as Roman intelligence for the Italian Nobility. The Jesuits are a military order established under the Papal Bull called “Regimini Militantis Eclessiae” which means the Military Regiment of the Church. The head of the Jesuits is called the Superior General currently held by Arturo Sosa. The official definition of a Jesuit is one of intrigue or equivocation defined in Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary. Intrigue means trickery and equivocation means to lie. Jesuits are trained in deception and are entangled with everything in society. The Farnese family established the Jesuits and this is why Farnesivs is engraved at their headquarters called the Gesu Church in Rome. The Society of Jesus was involved with the genocide of Native Americans. One example was the Jesuit priest Pierre-Jean De Smet who infiltrated the Iroquois. He requested “Black Robes” for the natives which were carrying diseases as a form of biological warfare. He provided intelligence on them which was used in massacres all while pretending to be their ally. The Jesuit photographer Francis Browne was on the Titanic and managed to get off before it sank. The Titanic was switched with its damaged twin sister ship the Olympic which was intentionally sunk as insurance fraud. The Jesuits who were previously banished from Japan were in Hiroshima when the “atomic bomb” was dropped. Pedro Arrupe along with seven other Jesuits were within miles of the “nuclear” blast zone in Hiroshima and all survived untouched. SJ Pedro Arrupe is in video testifying about Hiroshima before he was later made the Superior General of the Jesuit Order. The Allies actually strategically firebombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima and claimed that they were nuclear bombs as a form of intimidation.

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:17 p.m. No.2273640   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Jesuits were involved with establishing Romanized communist settlements in South America known as the “Jesuit Reductions” which were funded by the monarchs of Spain and Portugal. The Jesuits were paying their dues back to the Italian Nobility which angered the kings of Spain and Portugal and lead to the Jesuits being banished from Europe. Although the monarchies are corrupt and tyrannical the Jesuits are even worse and manipulate royal families and infiltrate them for the Black Nobility. Jesuits and their agents were used as Confessors to the monarchs. Confession is a way the Catholic Church gathers intelligence on people used for blackmail and psychological warfare. Jesuits are deeply involved with science and astronomy. They run major telescopes and set the policies for NASA who reinterpret space. They created the flat earth deception and influence people to deny that space even exists. The Earth is not flat and that is why you can get to the same location by traveling in a straight line from two opposite directions. Sean O’Keefe was Jesuit educated from Loyola University in New Orleans and was former Administrator of NASA. The Jesuits are dangerous liars, brainwashers, and trained illusionists. The Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin developed some of the modern New Age belief system through his book The Phenomenon of Man. They are masters in deception, alchemy, and mind control and seek to dominate over every aspect in society. Jesuit use their universities for recruiting agents for Rome. The Jesuits also have the Ninth Circle death cult operating within their universities. The Ninth Circle Cult is in reference to Dante’s Inferno and the last stage of hell before Hades the Devil.

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:17 p.m. No.2273642   🗄️.is 🔗kun

John J. DeGioia President of Georgetown

Paul J. Fitzgerald SJ President of San Francisco

Joseph Michael McShane SJ President of Fordham

Michael J. Graham SJ President of Xavier

Mark R. Nemec President of Fairfield

Michael Eric Engh President of Santa Clara

Antoine M. Garibaldi President of Detroit Mercy

Kevin William Wildes SJ President of Loyola New Orleans

William P. Leahy SJ President of Boston College

Philip L. Boroughs SJ President of Holy Cross

Mark Reed President of Saint Josephs

Robert L. Niehoff SJ President of John Carroll

John P. Fitzgibbons SJ President of Regis

Thayne McCulloh President of Gonzaga

Stephen Vincent Sundborg SJ President of Seattle

Thomas B. Curran SJ President of Rockhurst

Daniel S. Hendrickson SJ President of Creighton

John J. Hurley President of Canisius

Timothy Law Snyder President of Loyola Marymount

Jo Ann Rooney President of Loyola Chicago

Brian F. Linnane SJ President of Loyola Maryland

Herbert B. Keller SH President of Scranton

Debra Townsley President of Wheeling-Jesuit

Fred Pestello President of Saint Louis

Christopher Puto President of Spring Hill

Michael R. Lovell President of Marquette

Thomas D. Stegman, SJ Dean of Boston Theology

Kevin O’Brien SJ Dean of Santa Clara Theology

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:17 p.m. No.2273648   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3660

Jesuits have infiltrated into every aspect of society including law, politics, education, science, military, intelligence, and banking. The former Archbishop of New York Cardinal Francis Spellman was Jesuit educated at the Fordham University. Cardinal Spellman was known for supporting the Vietnam War so much that they nicknamed the war “Spelly’s War.” The Jesuits established Al-Hikma University and Baghdad College in Baghdad, Iraq. The Iraqi government kicked out the Jesuits and then absorbed the Jesuit colleges into the University of Baghdad. Jesuits have been kicked out of an estimated 80 nations because they are infiltrators that subvert societies and cultures. Some believe the US war on Iraq was partly due to the Jesuits being banished. The Jesuits were banished from most of Europe and this was known as the “Suppression of the Society of Jesus.” They were sent to Corsica. A few decades later Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Corsica and rose up as a military dictator and specifically made war on all the European nations that banished the Jesuits. Once Napoleon conquered Europe the Society of Jesus was reinstated by the Congress of Vienna in 1814. After the Black Nobility were done using Napoleon their agents of the Treaty of Fontainebleau moved Napoleon to the island of Elba so he could evade punishment and retaliation from the other monarchs. IHS is a Christian monogram mostly used by the Jesuits and means In Hoc Signo Vinces or “In this sign you will conquer.” The Jesuits use a specific styled IHS monogram which is also used on the coat of arms of Geneva, Switzerland along with their rising sun symbol and their IHS symbol is also used on the Swedish royal family’s Royal Order of the Seraphim. The Swedish House of Bernadotte were allied with Napoleon Bonaparte. The Swedish royal family are Protestant Lutherans and Jesuits were banished from Switzerland. Jesuits are infiltrators meaning that they do not always pose as Jesuit priests or as Catholics. The House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and House of Bourbon-Parma are the continuations of the Farnese family which created the Jesuits and their Sacred Constantinian Military Order of Saint George oversees the Society of Jesus.

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:18 p.m. No.2273652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3663 >>3702

Bill Clinton – Georgetown (Former US President)


John Podesta – Georgetown (Former Chief of Staff)


Donald Trump – Fordham (US President)


Eric Trump – Georgetown


Ivanka Trump – Georgetown


Steve Bannon – Georgetown (Trump adviser)


John F. Kelly – Georgetown (Chief of Staff and former Secretary of Homeland Security)


King Abduallah II of Jordan – Georgetown


King Felipe VI of Spain – Georgetown


Crown Prince Pavlos of Greece – Georgetown


Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg – Georgetown


Joe Biden – Honorary degrees from University of Scranton and Saint Joseph’s University (Former US Vice President)


John Kerry – Boston College (Former Secretary of State)


John Boehner – Xavier University (Former Speaker of the House)


Denis McDonough – Georgetown (Former Chief of Staff)


Andrew Cuomo – Fordham (Governor of New York)


Dannel Malloy – Boston College (Governor of Connecticut)


Alexander Haig – Georgetown ( Former Secretary of State and former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO Forces)


William J. Casey – Fordham (Former Director of Central Intelligence)


Robert Gates – Georgetown (Former Secretary of Defense and former Director of Central Intelligence)


George Tenet – Georgetown (Former Director of Central Intelligence)


Leon Panetta – Santa Clara (Former Secretary of Defense and former CIA Director)


James Clapper – Professor at Georgetown (Former CIA Director)


Robert B. Murrett – Georgetown (Former Director of National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency)


Robert Cardillo – Georgetown (Director of National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency)


Viet Dihn – Georgetown Professor (Author of the Patriot Act)


Donald Rumsfeld – Georgetown (Former Secretary of Defense)


John Brennan – Fordham (Former Director of CIA)


Michael Morell -Georgetown (Former Deputy Director of CIA)

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:18 p.m. No.2273659   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3702

Avril Haines – Georgetown (Former Deputy Director of CIA)


Janet Napolitano – Santa Clara (Secretary of Homeland Security)


Joseph Dunford – Georgetown (Marine Corp General and Current Chairman of the Joint Chief’s of Staff)


David Petraeus – Georgetown School of Foreign Service (Former Commander of US Central Command and former Director of CIA)


James L. Jones – Georgetown (Former Marine Corp General and former National Security Adviser)


John R. Allen – Georgetown (Former US Marine Corp General and former Commander of International Security Assistance Force)


Sean O’Keefe – Loyola of New Orleans (Former Secretary of Navy and former Administrator of NASA)


Michael D. Griffin – Loyola of Maryland (Former Administrator of NASA)


John Roberts – Professor at Georgetown (Chief Justice of the Supreme Court)


Clarence Thomas – Holy Cross (Supreme Court Justice)


Antonin Scalia – Georgetown (Former Supreme Court Justice)


John Farmer Jr. – Georgetown (Former Attorney General of New Jersey and Senior Counsel for the 9/11 Commission)


John Lehman – Saint Joseph’s (Banker and member of the 9/11 Commission)


Michael Copps – Professor at Loyola New Orleans (Former Commissioner of the FCC)


Peter Oppenheimer – Santa Clara (Former Chief financial officer of Apple and Director for Goldman Sachs)


Philip Bilden – Georgetown (Investor and Naval and Cyber Security philanthropist)


Ernest Moniz – Boston College (Former Secretary of Energy)


William Joseph McDonough – Holy Cross/Georgetown (Former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and banker)


Edward Gerald Corrigan – Fairfield/Fordham (Former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and banker)


Jack Lew – Georgetown (Former US Secretary of the Treasury)


William M. Daley – Loyola Chicago (Former Chief of Staff and former Secretary of Commerce)


Edwin Feulner – Regis (President of the Heritage Foundation)


Andrew von Eschenbach – Georgetown/St Joseph’s (Former Commissioner of the FDA)

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:21 p.m. No.2273706   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Made Men of Rome


The Italian Mafia have been plotting a take over in the United States for decades under directions from their owners the Black Nobility. They work with the Jesuit infiltrated CIA and are involved with drug, weapons, and human trafficking as well as stock fraud, gambling rackets, union rackets, and domestic terrorism. The Black Nobility created and control the Jesuits which is why their mafias are allied with the Jesuits running the CIA. The Italian Mafia funnel a portion of their criminal profits disguised as charity through the Vatican bank or Institute for the Works of Religion and then to the Black Nobility likely through private bank accounts in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Luxembourg. Mafia bosses call themselves dons just as Italian and Spanish nobility call themselves dons. The Black Nobility carried out a feigned retreat on La Cosa Nostra to get them out of the headlines in the 1980’s as part of their plot to take over. This is why many think the Italian mafia are less relevant today however they are more of a threat than ever. Michael Franzese made it appear that he left the Colonna owned Colombo Crime family however he is still a top boss giving the orders covertly while using activism and motivational speaking as his cover. The Gotti family also made it appear they got out of organized crime however John Gotti Jr. is the hidden acting boss of the Gambino Crime family and a member of the modern Commission. The Gaetani family of Rome own the Gotti faction of the Gambino crime family. Daniel Leo is one of the top bosses of the Savoy owned Genovese crime family that is not incarcerated and may be the true acting boss today while being advised by the consiglieri Dominick Cirillo. The Savoy family have a Savoy-Genovese princely branch in Genoa. Andrew Gigante is a covert boss of the Genovese’s Manhattan faction and allied with the DeCavalcante crime family of New Jersey. Andre Gigante is extremely sadistic. The Savoy-Aosta family run the Gigante family. Nephew of mafia boss Vincent Gigant is Philip Gigante and he is mayor of Airmonte, New York. Both the Genovese and DeCavalcante mafias are involved in extorting Wall Street. Liborio Bellomo is a boss of the Genovese crime family’s Bronx faction. The Bellomo family were a Sicilian Nobility that ruled in the city of Syracuse, Sicily and there is still a Bellomo Castle located there today. Liborio Bellomo and his cousin also named Liborio Bellomo are very sinister and highly trained in deception. Families in La Cosa Nostra are low level branches of former Italian nobility.

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:22 p.m. No.2273717   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Vincent Badalamenti is a high level boss of the Boncompagni-Ludovisi owned Bonanno crime family while he shifted focus on his right hand man Michael Mancuso who is incarcerated and his assistant Tommy DiFiore. Vincent Badalament is one of the most wicked members of the mafia. The Bonanno family were a Sicilian nobility that intermarried with the House of Colonna and had a palace in Palermo that still exists called the Villa Bonanno. Bon-compagni means “Goodfellas.” The Lucchese crime family has been somewhat weakened and in place the Albanian Rudaj Organization has been trying to take over their territory. Joseph Lubrano covertly manages the Lucchese Tanglewood Boys faction in Yonkers which are involved in large scale heroin trafficking. Joseph DiNapoli is a consiglieri of the Lucchese crime family and I believe Joseph Caridiis the top boss today while most other high level members are in prison. The Lucchesi-Palli nobility of Italy along with the Pallavicini family are owners of the Lucchese crime family. I believe Gambino assoicate Nardino Colotti is running the Rudaj Organization while Alex Rudaj advises him from prison. Nardino Colotti appears to be taking orders from the Gotti-Agnello family with Frank, Carmine, and John along with their father Carmine Agnello. Franzese, Gotti, Leo, Badalementi, and Colotti are some of the top bosses of New York’s Five Families and associated crime families today. The Greek Valentzas crime family work closely with the Lucchese crime family and the Greek Mafia are deeply involved with infiltration of ports. The Lucchese crime family are also allied with a hidden Corsican Mafia operating in Baltimore. I believe most of the opium has been being shipped through Baltimore ports. The Chicago Outfit is working with some of the Mexican drug cartels and Mexican mafia and are overall competitors with the Five Families. Al Capone was a founder of the Chicago Outfit and really a relative of the Florentine House of Capponi which still exist today. John Roselli was a top boss in the Chicago Outfit sharing a name with the House of Rosselli del Turco also of Florence. The Milwaukee’s Balistrieri crime family with John Balistrieri as a top boss are allied with the Chicago Outfit. Between the mafia owners in Rome and the bosses there are white collar Italian, Greek, and Jewish crime families involved in businesses like casinos, clubs, bars, car dealerships, shipping, and banking. They enable the mafias criminal activities and also infiltrate the police and federal agencies to provide the mafia with intelligence.

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:22 p.m. No.2273723   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Along with the Five Families are various other equally powerful Italian crime families including the DeCavalcante crime family with the Palermo family as bosses and Vincent Palermo as a triple agent as former boss turned informant that still covertly gives the orders from his Texas residence. Simone Rizzo DeCavalcante Jr. is a low profile Florida based boss. The Apulian Mafia of Italy have an operation in New Jersey as well. High level members of the mafia are authorized to become informants by the Black Nobility. The Chicago Outfit is run by John DiFronzo with his brother Peter DiFronzo and Joseph Andriacchi as the consiglieri. The Detroit Partnership is run by Jack Giacalone with Peter Tocco as a high level street boss. The Zerilli family seem to be still active with organized crime in Detroit and are rivals with Giacalone faction. The Los Angeles crime family is managed by some Gambino crime family associates and is owned by the Sicilian House of Adragna. The San Francisco crime family has spread all over the US and is owned by the Lanza di Scalea family of Sicily. The Patriarca crime family is managed by Luigi Manocchio and Carmen Dinunzio. The Philly Mob is run by Joey “The Wizard” Merlino who is one of the highest level bosses in Cosa Nostra. The The Magaddino crime family of Buffalo is managed by Joseph Todaro Jr. and his enforcer Anthony Todaro. The Magaddino crime family manage some of the criminal connections into Canada. The French House of Orleans owns the New Orleans crime family with Joseph Gagliano as its top boss along with some quiet Marcello crime associates. The Torlonia owned Kansas City crime family is allied wit the Licavoli crime family which is managed by Russell Papalardo. The Denver crime family is pretending to be inactive while I believe they host an annual meeting from an old Denver hotel. The Rizzuto crime family and the Cuntrera-Caruana mafia clan operate in Canada with Leonardo Rizzuto and Liborio Cuntrera as top bosses and they are connected with South American drug lines through the House of Ruspoli’s ties with Brazil and Venezuela. Vincent LoScalzo oversees the Trafficante crime family’s operations which extend into Atlanta, Georgia. There are still some Trafficante family members in Florida today. The Trafficante crime family are allied with the Cuban Mafia and all the crime families are involved with Florida.

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:23 p.m. No.2273733   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Thomas Farese is an adviser for the Colombo crime family with Joe Colombo’s son Christopher Colombo as a quiet boss. The Rochester crime family or really Valenti crime family have moved some operations into Springfield, Massachusetts and in Connecticut with Richard Valentini as a top street boss. The Valenti-Gonzaga family own the Rochester crime family and are married with the Savoy-Aosta family. The FBI believes the Springfield Crew is part of the Genovese crime family which is owned by the House of Savoy. Frank Colacurcio Jr. runs the Seattle crime family and they oversee sex trafficking on the West Coast. Frank Cali, Tommaso Gambino, and Rosario Gambino and are involved with the Los Angeles crime family today with the recently deceased John Gambino was a high level boss. The Sicilian princely House of Adragna used their Dragna family relatives to build up the Los Angeles crime family. The House of Adragna also run many factions of the Ndrangheta which are a defense for the Sicilian Mafia. The Philadelphia crime family’s members literally have the same last names as Black Nobility of Rome. George Borgesi like the House of Borghese, Joseph Massimino like the House of Massimo, and Michael Lancelotti like House of Lancellotti. The Massimo’s have a family branch merged with the Lancellotti family and are presently connected with the Borghese family with Don Lorenzo Borghese and his girlfriend Princess Barbara Massimo-Brancaccio. The Massimo-Branaccio family are owners of the Corleonisi crime clan which have some origins in the Brancaccio district of Palermo, Sicily. The Italian Mafia make tens of billions per year through extortion, insurance fraud, heroin trafficking, gambling, business fraud, loan sharking, and more. They pay their dues back to the Sicilian factions which then pay dues back to the Black Nobility. Baron Ottavio Serena di Lapigio is Sicilian nobility and he works as a banker in New York City formerly with Financial Performance Corporation, Citicorp Venture Capital, Bankers Trust Company, JP Morgan, and is currently working as the Director of Lincolnshire. Investment firms are often used for criminal financing disguised as loans. Organized crime is the primary financier of their attempt at a societal takeover. Mafia bosses should be executed.

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:25 p.m. No.2273748   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Massimo Crime Family


Don Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio is the top owner of the Vatican and has high authority over the Sicilian Mafia and owns the Corleonisi Clan with the Riina and Graviano family of Brancaccio as their mafia agents. They own a large fortress in Arsoli and another castle in Campania. The Massimo family use lions on their coat of arms like Corleone, Sicily uses a lion on its flag. The Massimo family frequently take the name Leone which means lion. Brancaccio is a neighborhood in Sicily where Cosa Nostra originated and named after the Brancaccio family that later merged with the Massimo family. The Massimos use violence, threats, terrorism, extortion, and blackmail as their primary tools for control. The Massimo family are one of the oldest families of Rome and claim to be the ancient Fabii-Maximus dynasty. They likely have a portion of Maximus ancestry. The Pope is titled the Pontifex Maximus. Massimo or Maximus mean massive or the Latin meaning of greatest. The Fabii family were known for using the “scorched earth” military tactic during the Roman Empire. Scorched Earth is a ruthless tactic where they burn everything down that can aid an enemy like food, resources, and people. The communist Fabian Society uses the wolf in sheep’s clothing for its logo. Fabii like Fabian. The Massimo family are married with royal bloodlines like the Savoy, Wettin, Bourbon, and Osorio noble family which have a family branch in Galicia, Spain. The Osorio family use wolves on their coat of arms. Prince Carlo Massimo is married to Princess Elisa Osorio of Moscoso and Estagna. Amancio Ortega is from Galicia and works as a Court Factor and money launderer for Spanish nobles including the House of Osorio. Amancio Ortega is one of the wealthiest billionaires and worth more than 70 billion. Amancio Ortega owns Inditex with the store chain called Massimo Dutti which is high end fashion.

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:25 p.m. No.2273752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3833

Prince Stefano Massimo married into the British Foxwell family and he is a fashion photographer with residences in London. Prince Stefano’s mother was the English actress Dawn Addams. The Massimo family of Roccasecca own the Clerkenwell Mafia of London also called the Adams crime family and are part owners of various Irish Mafias. The district of Clerkenwell is known as London’s “Little Italy.” Rupert Murdoch who owns Fox News is a Vatican Knight of the Order of St Gregory. Fox was covertly named for Foxwell. The fox is considered a cunning animal. Fox News is a propaganda machine for the Vatican. Prince Valerio Massimo founded SCM Capital Partners and an aerospace company called Auctus Industries with his business associate Duke Edward Spencer-Churchill. The House of Massimo and other Italian Nobility have infiltrated the United Kingdom and work with the House of Windsor and some British Peers. The Massimo family has married in with the Lucchesi-Palli, Savoy-Genovese, and Bourbon families. All these families are mafia owners. The Massimo family have a close alliance with the Borghese family with Princess Barbara Massimo-Brancaccio married to Prince Scipione Borghese. The Massimos also work closely with the Corsini, Lancellotti, Breakspear, and Pierleoni families. I believe the billionaire Bulgari family of Rome work for the Massimo family. The Bulgari family and their jewelry company were recently investigated for tax evasion. Some jewelry companies are involved in money laundering by fixing the prices of jewelry. The Bulgari family originated from Bulgaria which uses a coat of arms with two lions similar to the Massimo coat of arms. I believe the term Black in Black Nobility refers to the Black Sea along the eastern coast of Bulgaria where some Goths resided. The words mass and bulge can be synonymous.

Anonymous ID: 528f1d July 24, 2018, 8:25 p.m. No.2273760   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The House of Massimo is the nucleus of the Black Nobility. They are the primary owners of the Holy See. I believe they have a hidden ancestry with the ancient Spanish House of Burgundy. Queen Maxima of the Netherlands claims Burgundian ancestry. I believe Baron August von Senarclens de Grancy who had an affair with Princess Wilhelmine of Baden was a relative of the Massimo family and this is why the House of Hesse created the name Battenberg for suspected Senaclens offspring which later married in with the royal families of Russia, Spain, Sweden, and England. Princess Marie of Battenberg’s son was named Count Maximilian and another suspected Senarclens was Princess Maximiliane Wilhelmine Auguste Sophie Marie of Hesse. Prince Carlo Massimo oversees the Sovereign Military Order of Malta as President of the Italian Association of the Order of Malta. The Order of Malta was involved in various wars and several top military and intelligence leaders in the United States like Alexander Haig, William Colby, and John McCone were Knights of Malta. The Massimo family have authority over a faction of the Jesuits through their Massimiliano Massimo Institute and former Jesuit Nobile Collegio Mondragone which had five Massimo presidents. Prince Ferdinando Massimo has been an honorary president of this closed college. Mondragone uses a dragon for its symbol. The Black Nobility use Jesuits as Roman intelligence and infiltrators. The Roman born Mario Draghi is President of the European Central Bank and Draghi was educated at the Massimo Institute. The Black Nobility have control over vast wealth through private Swiss banking. There are three board directors for the Bank for International Settlements connected to Rome including Mario Draghi, Fabio Panetta, and Ignazio Visco. The very evil Prince Giacomo Massimo-Brancaccio worked at Banca Finnat located at the Palazzo Altieri in Rome. Prince Francesco Massimo lives in France and is educated at the CERN Accelerator School and in Plasma Wake Acceleration.


The Massimo family are the foundations of the global crime syndicate and they are involved in every crime imaginable including war crimes, terrorism, murder, extortion, threats, human trafficking, money laundering and more. The Massimo family also run organized crime in Rome like the Magliana Mafia and were one of the families behind the neo-fascist group Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari headed up by their agent Massimo Carminati. This family has a portion of ownership over various mafias including the Corleonisi Clan, Magliana Mafia, Gambino crime family, Clerkenwell Mafia, Lanza crime family, Philly Mob, Irish Mafia, and Boston crime family. Most mafias pay dues back to the Massimo family through their Corleonisi Clan. Individual mafia families make billions per year. I believe the Massimo Palazzo has an underground tunnel connecting to the basement of the Vatican which is how they have maintained their control. Donna Alessandra Malesci works with Prince Fabrizio Massimo managing female members of Cosa Nostra. The Massimos have recently married with the Carpegna-Falconieri-Gabrielli family which function as their support with Count Antonio di Carpegna Falconieri Gabrielli and Count Tommaso di Carpegna Falconieri Gabrielli as a current members. Members of the Massimo crime family include Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio, Donna Alessandra Malesci, Princess Barbara Massimo-Brancaccio, Prince Giacomo Leone Massimo-Brancaccio, Prince Carlo Massimo, Prince Francesco Massimo, Prince Stefano Massimo of Roccasecca, Prince Valerio Massimo of Roccasecca (Foxwell), Prince Cesare Massimo of Roccasecca, Prince Tancredi Massimo of Roccasecca, Prince Ferdinando Massimo, Prince Ascanio Massimo, Princess Lavinia Massimo, Prince Lucovico Massimo-Lancellotti, Prince Ascanio Massimo-Lancellotti, and Prince Filippo Massimo-Lancellotti. Prince Giacomo Massimo-Brancaccio’s actual and unnamed father is another high level and well guarded member of this wicked family and possibly living in France or French Polynesia. The Massimo family are the greatest source of wickedness on the Earth.