Did the Christians used to burn people alive?
Do anon want to bring that back?
Did the Christians used to burn people alive?
Do anon want to bring that back?
Seems like offering up your only begotten son to be tortured and killed as a human/blood sacrifice in order to be appeased is what I would consider evil, even Satanic. And burning people at the stake for not submitting to such a god also seems evil, even Satanic. Yet this is the established religion, even Obama had to submit and at least pretend to be a part of this belief system. Just wondering why there is so much hostility towards those of us who are not brainwashed into this establishment religion.
Mostly the apologists say, Jesus was not sacrificed, gave his life for us. And I am down with that. But I have thus far been able to find a Christian church which does not require one to submit to the blood sacrifice doctrine. Seems like there are evil forces, forces controlling people's minds to the point where they willingly and knowingly leave their common sense behind. Life is so confusing. It is terrifying. The hoard is terrifying.
Would be nice to just take a breath and forget about it all. One day.
My lesson. Stop trying to make a difference. Stop caring.
Seems like everyone is in survival mode. I have no survival skills. I should die.
The commotion is growing. No way to make people stop and think.
Why isn't there any other place besides QR. All the other boards are stagnant. Anons are abused here. But there isn't any other place to post anonymously.