Gonna enjoy this qr bakery special. Thank you.
henlo anyone here? slow thread
based fren
I trust those that give me license to protect myself against them.
How are canadians going to celebrate when the bastard steps down? Will there be festivals?
this is what happens when the rallies stop. You need to convert the rest of the population to your cause. There are still 40% of the population that hate trump.
The anti-trumpers are primarily in LA and New york. Needs more conversion propaganda activity there.
Why because tariffs and shitposting?
I'm sure the pajeets replacing the people will make everyone happy.
Pajeets, gooks and africans will replace everyone.
Is london an open prison?
Why doesn't usa just dump all the criminals to europe like the middle east does?
He looks like he knows how tunnels work, if you know what I mean.
>Everyone starts calling themselves Q
>It becomes almost impossible to find the real Q
Praise kek
One day at the time brudda. Delicately changing shifts as the tides turn on each day.
The gods will hold their breath as we throw the memetic dice. Our kitchen will cook the fanciest surprises and the best dishes will be the cold ones.
imagine that the glowniggers are forced to talk about strawberries and frogs on their meetings kek
How do people even get the will to live?
>builds nests in your air ducts
>bitch ass babies make massive shit piles
>will buzz at you for no fucking reason
>swarm In mass and shit on everything.
>if you kill or move the nest you will be put in federal prison
Can any one explain why these niggers with wings are on the federal protected species list?
Based moloch chicken sacrificers.
Subverting the world with literal caananibaalism.
Are pedophile murderers immune to the law?
berries etc etc
You have no idea how dangerous these things are. Don't underestimate them!
so is he based now? Am I allowed to say nigger on faceshit yet?
We can only make one conclusion. It's been empty the past 50 years. And nobody has the balls to say it.
Was probably eminem that took down diddy. Next step is to take down eminem, he belongs in jail.
Its funny how your message gets longer and longer as you get more desperate to push your message across. fag
Time for dinner bois.
its comfy
How could this possibly be explained? Surely all of it can't be money laundry, incompetence and corruption?
India keeps raping all tourists