>What is it called
Similar, but text instead of pictures.
They're in a specific order.
Quiet, fraud. Got some new memes for your SP impersonations routine. You know you love to copy everything he does.
Ain't that the truth. They started in 2023 with the psychotic demagoguery for the isolating and polarizing, accusing anyone that stood up for SP as being SP just IP hopping and talking to himself. Trying to paint a smear of an individual anon because he never followed some rules from halfchan, the same rules that the mimic broke before and is breaking after, but for some reason the personthey were imitating was required to follow for his own good.
Then, in early 2024 after watching the patterns of the mimics, SP made a mistake and assumed they were only copying him, so then he mistakenly started attacking good anons when what he assumes cognitive tunneling started happening, pretty sure staff unintentionally too, thinking they were just another persona of the shill he was unraveling. Thankfully those good anons had patience, but most likely bridges were burned that can never be mended, the camaraderie has never been the same since they dropped the merchant for the smoking frog template in early 2023.
Now, in 2025 anons are more determined while the shills get more deranged and show more of the behavior the projections in their narrative accuses others of. The shills project their behavior and crimes onto a group, they actually use that behavior and commit those crimes on individuals out in the open here for everyone to see. Really has been quite the journey, hasn't it?