The Frankfurt School, known more appropriately as Critical Theory…was originally located at the Institute for Social Research… founded in 1923 with the aim of developing Marxist studies in Germany. 1933: Nazis forced its closure, Institute was moved to the United States where it found hospitality atColumbia University in New York City. In 1935, the Frankfurt School was reborn at Columbia University
The Birth Of Cultural Marxism: How The “Frankfurt School” Changed America …1918, realized that if the family unit and sexual morals were eroded, society could be broken down; implemented a policy he titled “cultural terrorism… major part of the policy was to target childrens’ minds through lectures that encouraged them to deride and reject Christian ethics. In these lectures, graphic sexual matter was presented to children, and they were taught about loose sexual conduct. 1923: Lukács met Marxist Felix Weil. Until Lukács showed up, classical Marxist theory was based solely on the economic changes needed to overthrow class conflict…The new theory was that everyone in society was psychologically oppressed by the institutions of Western culture… In 1935, the Frankfurt School was reborn at Columbia University''. It was at Columbia University that the school honed the tool it would use to destroy Western culture: the printed word. The school published a lot of popular material. The first of these was Critical Theory: Criticize every pillar of Western culture—family, common law, freedom of speech…The hope was that these pillars would crumble under the pressure'. … argued that the social roles of men and women were due to gender differences defined by the “oppressors.” In other words, gender did not exist in reality but was merely a “social construct.” …when WWII ended, Herbert Marcuse, another member of the school, stayed in America. In 1955, published Eros and Civilization… argued that Western culture was inherently repressive… Book called for “polymorphous perversity,” a concept crafted by Freud, posed the idea of sexual pleasure outside the traditional norms. Eros and Civilization;; would become very influential in shaping the sexual revolution of the 1960s.
Columbia University and Communism … one university stands alone as the all-time champion…. has been a training ground for America-hating radicals since at least the start of the twentieth century… leftist scholars from Columbia often expressed their loathing of the American way by supporting Soviet-centered Communism…examples: 1909, CE Ruthenberg received his law degree from Columbia…Having no Communist party to join, Ruthenberg became active in the Socialist Party USA. ; Isaiah Oggins enrolled at Columbia in 1917, worked as a Soviet agent in the US for several years…
In 1922 Harry Dexter White enrolled at Columbia. He would go on to become one of the most influential Soviet agents in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations.
1923, Paul Robeson (he of 2004 U.S. STAMP) received law degree from Columbia, turned to show business, using his fame to promote and support Communist causes. In 1934, went on pilgrimage to Soviet Union…
1927, Philip Jessup received his PhD in law at Columbia.In the 1940’s, held several high level positions in the US State Department. He played a key role in undermining American support for Chinese leader Chiang Kai-shek, thus facilitating Mao Zedong’s ascent to power, and all the carnage that resulted therefrom.
Chi Chao-ting joined the Communist party soon after U.S. arrival, was already a committed Communist when he enrolled in the graduate program in economics at Columbia in the 1930’s.
1935 Elizabeth Bentley joined the Communist party while working on her masters degree at Columbia. 1938, started an adulterous relationship with Soviet spy Jacob Golos. …Just a few easy-to-find names that turn up in books like Blacklisted by Historyand The Venona Secrets. Columbia faculty and graduates have always been over-represented in the ranks of Soviet sympathizers in this country.
The Forgotten History of the World's First Trans Clinic May 10, 2021 The Institute for Sexual Research in Berlin would be a century old if it hadn’t fallen victim to Nazi ideology