White crackaz really like clearing out the minefields. They don think it be like it is but it do.
when is spain going to annex portugal
why aren't we using RISCV? How did china found this out and started implementing it before us?
Based IQ500 poster.
inb4 fort knox spammers start again
delete this
responding "delete this" to redpills is a meme in itself. It's to highlight how banned the information is.
I asked a white dude once who works in banking, why he hates the white race so much. He was a close friend.
He said "I don't push against whites because I hate them, I push for white genocide because all my investments are premised on the white race dying around 2040. My investments assumes that latinos and asians will take over the markets."
What do you think of this? Could this explain why the system seems so eager to take our shit? Maybe this is why the bankers are so heavily involved with china and how they keep stealing our homework?
kek flaming fort knox posters is fun
he isn't a racist though, thats the funny thing. He sees it from a strict cold economical point of view.
And now the next big question: How many kids has he raped?
remover dst
>tfw you gotta delete good ol memes because you're too afraid german police might raid your home.
Seems like the enslavement continues. I wonder how many unpaid or underpaid workhours people have done this year.
kek absolute halal
Literally nobody wants this clock-changing shit.
Billions in royalty will make the mob do anything. Being rich and famous is now more dangerous than going to war.
How about we all just follow unix time. no more timezones
all of those can be represented as normal time too. Unix time is superior, no need for timezones and can be used in the entire universe.
>What is UTC? How is it related to unixtime? Why is unixtime defacto standard time in all of UK?
what do you mean
So technically its the record amount of white genocide in history per capita, yes?
I wonder how they will kill off the rest of the whites. Nukes?
At first I read your post as "I instantly nuke them".
Why do nonwhites always insist on calling America an "economic zone" .. "an idea".. "A christian country"?
Is it some kind of inverse assimilation? (the host has to assimilate to the immigrants)
When are we gonna get some strategic deportations?
I'm willing to bet $10 you wouldn't say that to his face. No joke.
its kind of based when you tell people you stole their meme. It's a little flattering, ngl.
Yeah but its flattering when someone says they stole your meme. How come? Shouldn't it be the reverse?
Maybe we are coded in our genes to share good information? Maybe it is the "inner light of goodness" that compels us to share the truth?
I don't think depression is possible to cure. If life sucks you are simply going to be sad forever, until your life changes.
The entire concept of "depression" is such a hopeless denial of reality, and in a sense calling the problems in life a depression just makes the "depression" worse since the real problems are still there. And your problem is your spiritual loneliness.
You ip-hopped to say that? The irony stings my eyes.
Its basically faith in the negative, that life will become worse and that weakness will overwhelm the body. It is faith in evil and lack of faith in good. It is corruption in the core of what it means to be a human.
You are not supposed to reject this world in that way. Something is wrong brother.
It might be a class3 LARPer too. They are pretty good.
There's nothing like a good wall against the "humans"
Indians shit so much on the plane that the plane cancels flight.
On the plane, want to shit. Toilet is clogged. What will you do?
kek its real news calm down
"HURR WHY DIDNT YOU SWITCH TO PRE_SUMMER_SEMI_DARK time upperwest street time??? Correct your clocks!!"
DST corrections are worse than vaccine boosters
no sauce